User Manual
Add Songs

There are a variety of ways to import songs into your OnSong library. Choose one from the following options available:
This section gives you the ability to create songs inside of OnSong, or to add existing songs into a book.
- New Song opens the Song Editor with a template song loaded. Write your song and tap on the Done button to add a newly written song to your library.
- Existing Songs opens the Pick Songs menu to allow you to select songs to add to the selected book.
Most songs you add to your OnSong library are done through an import process. From this section, you can browse services such as:
- Dropbox is a popular cloud-based storage service that works great for importing documents from your computer.
- Google Drive is a popular cloud-based storage service that also supports online document editing.
- Internet is a source of chord charts for many musicians. When configured, OnSong can search a website for available chord charts. The Add To OnSong Safari extension is the preferred method of importing from multiple websites.
- iTunes File Sharing allows you to import files from your computer using a USB cable and iTunes software.
- Planning Center is a popular church management service that lets you organize music for your team.
- SongSelect is a service from CCLI that provides PDF-based chord charts and text-based lyrics.
- Files allows you to import files from storage services that are tightly integration with iOS such as those found in the Files app.
- handcrafts worship chord charts in the OnSong file format. These are available through various subscription tiers depending on the number of chord charts you need each month.
- makes planning worship services easy. Import your events, songs and backing tracks easily into OnSong.
- Other lets you import from other remote sources using standard communication protocols.
You can also add other import sources that are not in this list by entering Editing Mode and then adding import sources. You can add the following:
- LTC Asaph is a provider of worship chord charts for French-speaking congregations.
You can synchronize your OnSong library with an online service to allow you to keep your music in sync with all your devices.
- Dropbox synchronizes your OnSong library to a synchronization folder stored in Dropbox.
- Google Drive synchronizes your OnSong library to a synchronization folder stored in Google Drive.
- Other synchronizes your OnSong library to a synchronization folder stored on a remote server.
While we agree that it's strange to have export features inside of an add songs screen, these are included as a way to export the contents of books. For instance, if you select a book, tapping on one of these options will automatically select all the songs in that book and open the Export or Email screens from the Share Menu.