User Manual
Editing Mode

When you tap on the Edit button in the upper right corner of the books menu, you enter editing mode. When enabled, you can begin:
Sorting Books
When the sort button in the lower left corner is set to a down arrow, you adjust the order of the books by dragging the rows via the reordering handles on the right. When you are finished, tap on the Done button in the upper right corner to save your changes.
Note: The order of the All Songs and Unbound Songs collections cannot be sorted and will always appear at the top of the list.
Deleting Books
While you can delete books by swiping from right to left over each row and tapping on the Delete button which appears, you can also delete books in editing mode. Tap on the red minus circle to the left, and then tap on the Delete button that appears to delete the book. This will not delete the songs in the book, just the book itself.
Editing Books
You can perform advanced actions on books by tapping on the name of the book. This will display the Action Menu that can be used to perform these actions.