User Manual

The Sets tab provides access to your set lists. Sets are collections of songs that are pulled for a specific event at a specific venue. For instance, if you are playing a gig on a Friday night at the pub, you can create a set. If you are playing a worship service on a Sunday morning, create a set.
If you are playing for a long period of time, you may also divide the time into multiple sets. Sets can be arranged into Folders to organize them by venue, event, or band.
Active sets are the ones you are concerned about in the present time. These are recent or upcoming gigs or events. When you have a number of older sets, OnSong may prompt you to Auto-Archive your sets. This helps keep your list tidy so you can quickly access your current sets at the event.
Archived sets are sets that you have already played. This allows you to look back in history to see what songs were performed. This information is not only used for Song Reporting, but also sorting your songs by popularity or by when they were last played.