User Manual
Song Editor

Song editor settings allow you to customize how the Song Editor looks and behaves. You can make the following modifications:
Font Family
The font used in the song editor is a fixed-width font which helps you align chords with lyrics. You can change the font to Anadale Mono, Courier, Courier New or Lucida Console. Default is Courier.
Font Size
This is the size of the song as it appears in the song editor. You may want to increase the font size for better visibility or to more easily place the text cursor. Make the font size smaller to fit more content on the screen. You can adjust the size between 6 point and 30 points. The default size is 16 points.
The built-in text editor in iOS automatically capitalized sentences. This is turned off by default in OnSong to allow more control over chords and lyrics. You can change this to:
- Never requires you to capitalize words and sentences manually. Default.
- Words will automatically capitalize every word.
- Sentences will automatically capitalize each sentence.
Autocorrect Spelling
The built-in text editor in iOS will automatically correct spelling. Because the song editor is used to type both lyrics and chords, this is turned off by default. You can turn it on to receive automatic spelling corrections.
Enabled "." Shortcut
The built-in text editor in iOS will automatically add a period when the spacebar is tapped twice. This can cause issues when using spaces to align chords. This shortcut is disabled in OnSong by default, but you can turn it back on here.
Enable Arrow Keys
The song editor features four arrow keys on the right just above the keyboard. You can use these to move the text cursor around the text editor more freely. These are turned on by default, but you can remove them by switching this option off.
Quick Chord Bar
As you enter chords in the song editor, they will appear just above the keyboard as quick buttons for inserting chords. You can turn this bar off if you need more room for typing. You can still use the Chord Builder to add chords.
Sort Chord Buttons
The chords that appear in the quick chord bar are not sorted and appear in the order they are encountered in the song content. You can change the order of these chords to:
- Off sorts the chords in the order that they are encountered in the song content.
- Alphabetically places chords like Am in the front of the list and G# at the end of the list.
- Popularity sorts the chords by their frequency of use in the song content. For instance, the root chord may appear first since it is used more often.
Additional Symbols
The quick chord bar can be used to insert other text other than chords. You can type characters separated by a space in this area. If you type two characters in a row such as [] or {}, then the quick bar will add that to the song content and place the text cursor in the middle of them. Default values are: [] # b /
Use Template Song
When you create a new song from scratch in OnSong, the song editor is opened and a template song is used. You can create your own template by creating a song, opening the Song Editor and switching the Use as template switch.
In some cases, you just want a blank song editor. In that case, turn this switch on.