Release Notes

OnSong 1.3

OnSong 1.3 was released on July 9, 2010.


  • Added a Swedish translation. (which iPad doesn't support yet)
  • Added credits when song title is tapped in the menubar.
  • Added a "Cancel" button to the iPod media picker modal window.
  • Added the ability to export the entire OnSong database using the new export feature.


  • Fixed an issue importing files with Windows line endings.
  • Fixed an issue that causes a crash with malformed chords.
  • Fixed an issue where renaming a set causes it to lose all songs.
  • Fixed an issue where comments are removed when title is not displayed.
  • Fixed spelling errors.
  • Fixed an issue with disappearing chords.
  • Fixed an issue that caused reordering of the setlist.
  • Fixed problems transposing certain songs when capo is on.
  • Fixed an issue with trimming the song title.
  • Fixed an issue with mapping imported files when a new database is used.
  • Fixed general navigation-based crashes.
  • Fixed an import issue involving various newline characters.
  • Fixed various issues to improve stability and performance.