Release Notes

OnSong 1.70

OnSong 1.70 was released on January 4, 2011.


  • Added the ability to place a song in more than one book.
  • Added an option to remove songs when deleting a book.
  • Added the ability to pick songs to place in a book.
  • Added the ability to perform actions on books.
  • Added the ability to place a song in a book from the song editor.
  • Added the ability to synchronize the OnSong library.
  • Added the ability to update, cleanup and reset the OnSong database file.
  • Added the ability to import from other sources like FTP, WebDAV and Amazon S3.
  • Added the ability to list artists by alphabetic index.
  • Added the ability to view songs in order by removing articles like "The".
  • Added the ability to know if a songs was imported.
  • Added the ability for songs to not be deleted immediately.
  • Added the ability to import an OnSong database file from iTunes file sharing.
  • Added the ability to backup the OnSong library.
  • Added the ability to purge and reset the OnSong library.
  • Added the ability to import/export from multiple sources.
  • Added the ability to have imported files associated with the currently selected book.
  • Added the ability to set the language of the app separately from iOS settings.
  • Added the ability to change the placement of notation chords in settings.
  • Added the ability to indent choruses.
  • Added the ability o bold the chorus.
  • Added the ability to flip the toolbar icons.
  • Added the ability to change the song editor font and size.
  • Added the ability to use up/down arrows for supported foot pedals.
  • Added the ability to set linespacing for condensing song content in the viewer.
  • Added the ability to set iTunes tracks to songs for playback.
  • Added the ability for OnSong on only display songs for the currently selected book.
  • Added the ability to remove duplicate song files from the database.
  • Added the ability to remove unused external files from the library.
  • Added the ability to change the orientation of the external video screen for stage monitor mode.
  • Added the ability to set a default BPM.
  • Added the ability for OnSong to retrieve updated help files from the server.
  • Added the ability to set the duration of the song using metadata.
  • Added the ability to change the font of sticky notes in settings.
  • Added support for "Flow" to arrange songs by section with entry of the Flow information in the Playback menu.
  • Added the ability for fonts to be set separately for different aspects of the chord chart and stored with the song.
  • Added the ability to set the size of the song header font instead of being locked to a multiple of the lyrics size.


  • Changed the default header size to be 150% of the lyrics size.
  • Changed the default header font to be the bold rendition of the lyrics font.
  • Changed the size of the style preferences menu to contain the new options.
  • Changed the Internet search to use Microsoft Bing.
  • Changed OnSong to retain the current database version in the database.
  • Changed how chord modifiers are handled in the chord builder.
  • Changed the way you convert files in the song editor.
  • Changed the way OnSong help is displayed.


  • Fixed an issue when supporting the Marker font when exporting to HTML.
  • Fixed a sizing issue in the title of the song editor.
  • Fixed some performance issues by adding indexes to the OnSong library database.
  • Fixed an issue with alphabetic indexes that were out of range.
  • Fixed an issue where OnCue would connect to already connected peers.
  • Fixed issues when encoding songs for transport.
  • Fixed an issue with extra spaces in the song title.
  • Fixed an issue with extra spaces in the song key.
  • Fixed issues with how the alphabetic index functioned.
  • Fixed issues when exporting certain file formats like HTML and PDF.
  • Fixed issues for transposing songs when a capo is applied.
  • Fixed a resizing issue in the chord inspector.
  • Fixed an issue when resizing and rotating the song editor.
  • Fixed lyrics projection to not display commented lines, section labels or instructions.