Release Notes

OnSong 1.80

OnSong 1.80 was released on April 22, 2011.


  • Added a "No Song" book so you can see what needs to be assigned to a book.
  • Added the ability to toggle metadata on and off in the style preferences menu along with font size adjustment.
  • Added a notification that you are hiding the menu bar and to tap again to bring it back.
  • Added Flurry for metrics analysis.
  • Added Nashville, Roman Numeral and Italian (do-re-mi) chord systems to transpose slider.
  • Added the ability to switch song instruments by selecting a chord and picking an instrument.
  • Added ability for the chord inspector to select the song or default instrument in the tab.
  • Added the ability to import and export to and from other sources (FTP, WebDAV, S3)
  • Added the ability to transpose to Nashville, Roman and Do-Re-Mi formats.
  • Added the ability for the external video menubar icon to disappear when the external video device is disconnected using the Hide External Video setting.
  • Added the ability to create a random set of songs. This is done by viewing your sets, tapping edit, tapping the set and randomizing it.
  • Added the ability to set a tablature instrument for each song. Just tap a chord and pick an instrument. That will become the default instrument.
  • Added the ability to adjust settings within the app by going into Help » Settings.
  • Added the ability to set the external video resolution manually.
  • Added the ability to punch to zoom into a song and have OnSong redraw the song at higher resolution. Notes currently do not scale.
  • Added the ability to manually scroll while autoscroll is running.
  • Added the ability to synchronize to FTP, S3 and WebDAV sources.
  • Added "Other" option under the Export section when tapping the "+" icon.
  • Added the ability for the AirTurn unit to "eject" the physical keyboard, forcing the virtual keyboard to appear and control via a foot pedal.
  • Added the ability to backup and restore preferences when creating an OnSong backup file (and restoring it).
  • Added meaningful FTP error codes/descriptions.
  • Added the ability for autoscroll to control lyrics projection.
  • Added a ruler to autoscroll to visually indicate where you should be in the song.
  • Added an indicator to highlight the current section as projected via external video.
  • Added the ability to detect ♯ and ♭in chords and lookup the correct chords.
  • Added a setting to default to regular zooming since redrawing the page is still experimental.
  • Added the ability to double tap the page to zoom back to 100%.
  • Added the ability to set a default note scale in settings.
  • Added the ability to remove songs from the main song view when a book is selected.
  • Added Norwegian and Russian Translations.


  • Changed the Display Preferences settings to support more options.
  • Changed the import menu to disable network options when adding songs when there is no Internet connection.
  • Changed the way the key of the song is determined by reviewing the chords in it and not the first chord.
  • Changed the menus to have a black background when in low light mode.
  • Changed the way foot pedals are controlled. You can know choose between None, AirTurn and Other.
  • Changed synchronization methods to download and process one file at a time, putting less strain on HTTP connections.
  • Changed the settings screen to use a master/detail configuration.
  • Changed the position ruler to remove it when not autoscrolling.
  • Changed the position ruler to be a colored bar on the left instead of a horizontal line.


  • Improved performance by reducing unnecessary redraws of the screen and not listening to notifications.
  • Improved how external video is displayed.
  • Fixed a crash condition caused by autoscrolling.
  • Fixed an issue where autoscroll stops unexpectedly.
  • Fixed an issue where rewriting songs in a minor keys would create a lot of NULLs.
  • Fixed an issue where {eoc} was not preventing the rest of the song from being bold/indented.
  • Fixed an issue with chord lines being improperly detected.
  • Fixed an issue with foot pedal integration.
  • Fixed an issue where the on-screen keyboard would not appear in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where the sticky notes wouldn't resize when pinch zooming.
  • Fixed an issue where tapping on the "Sort By" button in the "All Songs" screen would not scroll to the top of the list when changing how the list is sorted.
  • Fixed an issue where the FTP connection was performing tasks after being released.
  • Fixed an issue with how autoscroll speed was calculated.
  • Fixed an issue when auto scroll is activated, you can't manually scroll screen or page up or page down. It resets to wherever the scroll is set to move.
  • Fixed an issue where in-app settings were not localized.
  • Fixed an issue where accessing the export screen from an iPhone via the "+" button causes a crash.
  • Fixed an issue where changing display preferences redraws the page without scrolling back to the top.
  • Fixed an issue with transposition when encountering chords like E7#9.
  • Fixed an issue where the capo slider was not adjusting the song.
  • Fixed an issue with transposing so that when the original and transposed keys are the same, no transposition occurs. This allows multiple key songs.
  • Fixed issues with formatting pipe/slash notation.
  • Fixed issues with MobileMe integration.