Release Notes

OnSong 1.985

OnSong 1.985 was released on April 14, 2014 and fixes the following critical issues.


  • Added a new way to add songs to sets while browsing using the star menubar item.
  • Added the ability to send SysEx messages over MIDI.
  • Added the ability to fast track support requests via an in-app purchase.
  • Added new arrow keys to the song editor to aid in cursor positions. This can be disabled in Settings » Editor Options » Enable Arrow Keys.
  • Added a new heads-up display to show used and free memory which can be useful for troubleshooting performance issues.
  • Added the ability to socially share a set list via text message.


  • Changed the home screen icon to an better design.
  • Changed the Send Diagnostics screen to enable better diagnostics uploads.
  • Changed the live bar menus to better respond to low light mode conditions.
  • Changed the song editor to allow selected text to be surrounded by brackets or other custom entry buttons.
  • Changed the width of the SongSelect import screens to better encompass the website.
  • Changed Planning Center set attachment order based on attachment priority to import file types that work best in OnSong.
  • Changed the renderer to prevent loading the drawing view unless there is a drawing present.
  • Changed the song editor menubar to move text tools to the left-hand side in order to balance the song title in the center and avoid overlapping.
  • Changed the "Star" menubar item to allow placing or removing the current song from a set as well as favorite/unfavorite the song.
  • Changed the metronome to default to 4/4 time when none is selected.


  • Fixed an issue where key changes made in the song editor were not retained.
  • Fixed an issue where importing from Planning Center, Search Songs would cause a crash.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the duration or tempo from the live bar would not redraw the song or save changes.
  • Fixed an issue where set list printing would cause the iPad 1 to crash. This feature has been removed from iOS versions prior to iOS 6.
  • Fixed an issue where the print preview screen was not scrolled correctly on iOS 7.
  • Fixed an issue where the song would not be refreshed when changed from an OnSong Connect editor.
  • Fixed an issue where MIDI actions were not being received.
  • Fixed an issue that causes the device to run low on system memory as songs are navigated.
  • Fixed an issue that caused PDF files to display black boxes and white boxes when running low on memory.
  • Fixed an issue where adding or removing songs from a set causes the viewer to return to the first song in the set instead of staying on the selected song.
  • Fixed an issue where sticky notes couldn't be placed further down on a page if the song content was too short.
  • Fixed an issue with sticky notes not being able to be applied in blank areas of a song where the song content does not take up a page.
  • Fixed an issue where the forward navigation button in the quick chord bar was remaining active, overlapping buttons.
  • Fixed an issue with RTF file conversion that was causing additional blank lines.
  • Fixed an issue with the song editor consuming too much memory on each open and close.
  • Fixed a number of memory related issues to more efficiently use memory with loading sets and songs.
  • Fixed an issue where Text Tools and Rewrite Into Key options were not appearing in the Action Menu when using an iPhone to edit a song that had an external file.
  • Fixed an issue where adding a book using the Place In Book menu on the iPhone would not have a navigation bar.
  • Fixed an issue with the metronome not showing the down beat color correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with usage reporting that would cause some songs to not appear for reports.