Release Notes

OnSong 1.995

OnSong 1.995 was released on March 27, 2015. This release contains the following corrections, changes and new features:


  • AirTurn Digit II lets vocalists and speakers control OnSong with a handheld controller. Configuration of an AirTurn Digit II is found in foot pedal settings to map all five buttons to actions.
  • Audio Input Triggers allow you to perform actions in OnSong based on audio input from the device's microphone, line in or hardware. Supports up to two audio inputs with configurable level thresholds.
  • MIDI Clock and Playback Sync keeps external devices synchronized with the tempo you set in your songs. You can also tap on the audio live bar button to start, stop and continue MIDI playback. This is configured in the MIDI Settings Menu » Sync.
  • Large Backups of up to a couple gigabytes can now be created and restored.
  • Switch Sections allows you to go to specific sections of a song from MIDI events, foot pedals, hot corners or navigation zones.
  • Enhanced Add To OnSong Extension can now import from lyrics sites as well imported file such as PDF, Word HTML or audio tracks.


  • Added the ability to use storage providers for importing files in all languages. »
  • Added the Fix Library to the Tools menu for all languages. »
  • Added Scenes to the Editors menu for all languages. »
  • Added the ability to import URL files (.url) which can contain multiple sources to be imported.
  • Added the "Reset Settings" option back to the Tools menu. »
  • Added the option to restore the old SongSelect import process if desired.
  • Added the ability to edit audio tracks in the audio media manager in iOS 7 and earlier by tapping and holding on the audio track row since the Edit button doesn't appear when swiping. »
  • Added the ability to connect existing SongSelect PDF files to the new system to allow in-app transposition. »
  • Added the ability to toggle flow on and off in the print preview settings menu. »
  • Added the ability for multiple artists to be specified for a song by separating artist names with a semicolon. Commas are not used as separators to allow for "last, first". »
  • Added the artist name to the song list when exported and emailing. »


  • Fixed an issue that causes settings to be reset when OnSong starts causing various issues like login or registration screens reappearing.
  • Fixed an issue where sending diagnostics causes a crash due to a naming conflict between iOS 8 and the Desk API.
  • Fixed a crash condition when backing up very large libraries including audio and video files. This was due to the ZIP archiving framework storing the resulting ZIP file in memory, causing a memory-related crash especially on older hardware. This has been replaced with a more memory-efficient framework.
  • Fixed a freezing issue when switching between OnSong libraries due to an infinite loop found in the FMDB framework when a database cannot be disconnected.
  • Fixed a crash condition when viewing the new SongSelect menu in iOS 5.
  • Fixed a crash condition when transposing and capoing SongSelect PDF files due memory consumption.
  • Fixed an issue when importing PDF files using the "Open In..." method that would cause files to not update even if requested by the user.
  • Fixed an issue that cause F to transpose as E# due to faulty key enharmonic preference detection.
  • Fixed an issue with the new SongSelect interface where the "No Songs Found" message would appear after the preview screen is opened.
  • Fixed an issue where lyrics cannot be searched if the lyrics indexing process hasn't completed.
  • Fixed an issue when exporting OpenSong files that cause them to not be opened due to improperly escaped character sequences.
  • Fixed an issue where importing songs using the Add To OnSong extension will overwrite songs in the library on certain websites when a unique song title could not be ascertained.
  • Fixed an issue when outputting PDF files or printing where the original key option was not being respected. This will now output in the original key of the song but if a capo is set, the capo will be applied to the song in its original key.
  • Fixed an issue where the Existing Song menu no longer opens if the import source list has been customized.
  • Fixed an issue where the autoscroll button does not toggle off when autoscrolling is complete.
  • Fixed an issue where AIFF files cannot be imported when using the three-character .aif file extension.
  • Fixed an issue where the user manual appearing blank when the app is opened due to the file not being downloaded before being viewed.
  • Fixed an issue where autoscrolling will cease to operate after changing screen orientation.
  • Fixed an issue where the audio media manager was not appearing correctly in low light mode.
  • Fixed a crash condition when using a Griffin Stompbox with sensitivity set to a non-zero value.
  • Fixed an issue when scroll behavior is set to "Jump To Page" that caused the scrolling to not align to the top of the page caused by the top margin of the page not being accounted for in calculations.
  • Fixed an issue where scrolling the song when using "Jump To Page" scrolling behavior does not recalibrate the current page and causes erratic scrolling behavior.
  • Fixed an issue where the timeline does not record audio playback notifications properly due to "flutter" in the built-in Music app.
  • Fixed an issue where saving timeline changes when using Separate Song/Set Styles causes a potential crash.
  • Fixed an issue when displaying preview screens in some import menus such as RWTC.
  • Fixed an issue in the Dropbox import screen where previously imported files were not appearing as greyed out.
  • Fixed an issue where the song editor would jump inconsistently when placing the cursor for the first time.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the icon for AIFF audio to appear as a generic icon instead of an audio icon.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented audio files from being imported using FTP and other sources.
  • Fixed an issue where non-chord values such as [n.c.] or [(pause)] are not being fully outputted after a transposition.
  • Fixed an issue in the new OnCue implementation that caused degraded WiFi performance due to undocumented limitations in Apple's Multipeer Connectivity framework observed when continually browsing for peers on the network.
  • Fixed an issue where wireless sharing is automatically enabled upon returning to OnSong when it had been disabled by the user.
  • Fixed an issue with search bar scope buttons where the entire selected button would be teal due to changes in iOS 8 style attributes.
  • Fixed an issue where song reports were not being overwritten when exported.
  • Fixed an issue where the text in the search bar is not readable when switching to low light mode.
  • Fixed an issue when importing chord charts with text conversion to the OnSong file format where the Key: metadata tag was being converted to a chord.
  • Fixed an issue where using repeated asterisks or underscores would not appear due to line formatting changes.
  • Fixed an issue where autoscroll continually would skip ahead without scrolling down though a song first.
  • Fixed an issue where the metronome would stop playing when audio is played back when running iOS 7 or earlier.
  • Fixed some list-based menus to better handle font size changed in the Accessibility settings of iOS 7 and iOS 8.
  • Fixed an issue when changing the sort order of sets where the order was not reflected in the song viewer.
  • Fixed an issue where annotations would disappear after changing the key of a SongSelect PDF file.
  • Fixed an issue where libraries can not be created after being deleted.
  • Fixed a crash condition when using the "Next Song" heads-up display when the next or previous song does not have a title.


  • Changed the language of the "Import From Internet" screen to explain the new Add To OnSong extension better. »
  • Changed the initial SongSelect screen to better explain the changes in the new version and lock out the search function until the user signs in. »
  • Changed the new version of OnCue to turn off nearby peer browsing when not directly in use due to a bug in iOS that causes severely degraded WiFi performance on many wireless networks.
  • Changed the way the percentage-based progress indicators operate when importing from Dropbox, FTP and WebDAV to account for download status of each file.
  • Changed the way that line formatting is applied to allow multiple asterisks, underscores or other line formatting symbols to be repeated across the page without being removed.
  • Changed the way the Add Songs menu detects network connections to be more responsive.
  • Changed the way Add To OnSong Safari extension imports files so they are asynchronous.
    This allows the user interface responsive when importing larger files.
  • Changed scrolling behavior to "Jump To Section" when a Chromecast for lyrics projection is connected.
  • Changed the way the last song and set are retained so that in the event of a crash, a crash loop is avoided by display a default "Welcome to OnSong" song instead.
  • Changed the way song titles are extracted to remove line formatting syntax before saving.
  • Changed the duration picker to remove the border since it is now in a tab controller. »
  • Changed the song viewer to open the chord inspector when tapping and holding on a chord. »
  • Changed the Add To OnSong extension to be localized in all supported languages.
  • Changed the way the font used for exporting and emailing PDF files back to the old method that accounts for the current screen orientation.
  • Changed the way instructions are outputted to the screen when placed in the flow tag so that the instructions do not create another section by themselves, but are associated with the previous section.
  • Changed the default OnCue version back to iOS 5/6. »
  • Changed the names of OnCue versions to "Original" and "New" instead of using iOS version numbers. »
  • Changed the registration screen to provide an activity indicator in the upper right corner.