Release Notes

OnSong 1.9997

OnSong 1.9997 was released on July 25, 2016. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • Added the ability to disable swiping for navigation of songs and sets. »
  • Added the ability to determine if initial MIDI commands are sent when the audio playback button is pressed, or when the song is loaded. »
  • Added support for 2nd generations Philips hue hubs. »


  • Changed the default renderer version to "New" if one is not already set. This provides better performance on larger imported file types. »
  • Changed how section selection is determined to prevent selection if OnCue or OnSong Connect is enabled, but no recipients are attached. »
  • Changed the renderer to not use the New method of display when viewing image files due to implementation issues on retrieving zoom scale when setting viewports and other performance-related issues.
  • Changed the Philips hue groups display to not display a quantity of lights in a group when it is unknown.


  • Fixed a crash condition on iPad 1 caused by frameworks being added or updated that do not support iOS 5.1.1.
  • Fixed a crash condition when settings DMX traits on a step when the range of the trait is set to zero.
  • Fixed an issue with how minor chords are formatted with Scandinavian chord localization.
  • Fixed an issue with updating position of the page when using timeline and autoscroll with Jump To Section scroll behavior enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the Reset Song action is not resetting to the top of the song when the Jump to Section scroll behavior is selected.
  • Fixed an issue with navigation zone calculations on newer versions of iOS.
  • Fixed an issue where the proper section is not selected after an orientation change or screen redraw.
  • Fixed an issue when scroll behavior is set to Jump To Section and a PDF is encountered, it does not scroll.
  • Fixed an issue where sections not being selected when jump to section is enabled and orientation is changed.
  • Fixed an issue when OnSong is placed in the background where the screen metrics are returned improperly caused by an apparent bug in iOS 9.
  • Fixed an issue where set viewport is not remembering the position of the chord chart when you have new renderer selected.
  • Fixed an issue with minor/major 7th chords not working within OnSong and chord diagrams.
  • Fixed an issue when setting the viewport on PDFs on something other than the first page would not correctly scroll back to the correct position.
  • Fixed an issue where scrolling to the top of the song would cause a crash if an incorrect parameter is sent to the method.