Release Notes

OnSong 1.99991

We know that the version numbers are getting a bit ridiculous but please bear with us as we ensure the app you depend on functions its best as we prepare OnSong 2.0.

OnSong 1.99991 was released on December 5, 2016. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • Added the ability to export audio backing tracks from the OnSong Audio Library.
  • Added the ability to detect the key of the song in the metadata editor.
  • Added support for new foot pedal models to be released in the future once available.
  • Added support for issuing tempo changes using MIDI control change 106/107 for integration with BeatBuddy and other hardware.
  • Added the ability to manually add momentary actions to the timeline.
  • Added the ability to set borders around the page to add gaps between pages or the top and bottom of the screen.
  • Added the ability to change the background color of the song viewer which is visible when borders are set or songs are zoomed out.
  • Added the ability to access sharing settings from the Wireless Sharing screen.
  • Added an alert if the user tries to access the iTunes Media Library. This alert will then prompt the user to change their access permissions with the ability to open the app settings.
  • Added the ability to disable listening for MIDI in the MIDI triggers screen by tapping on the label at the bottom of the screen.
  • Added "usage description" text for camera, photo library, media library, etc. for iOS 10 privacy compatibility.


  • Changed the way the menubar is shown and hidden to remove the black bar at the bottom of the screen and for a smoother transition.
  • Changed the song viewer to have a 20 pixel top border to accommodate the new way the menubar and status bar interact with the app when showing and hiding.
  • Changed importing an OnSong Archive file so that you are prompted as to how to handle songs in the file such as duplicate, update or skip. See notes for details.
  • Changed the export view controller to show the quantity of exported items in the navigation bar.
  • Changed the chord diagram editor to show localized chord names.
  • Changed the Send MIDI action assignable in the MIDI Triggers screen so that you can assign a list of MIDI events.
  • Changed the text that appears when the iTunes Media Library access prompt is displayed.
  • Changed the term "Screen Mirroring" to include the term iOS along with an explanation of what this feature does.


  • Fixed an issue that would cause chords to appear as black in low light mode in OnSong Console.
  • Fixed an issue with performance in the metronome due to the audio subsystem not being initialized.
  • Fixed an issue where export restrictions placed on songs would not be applied using the "open in" sharing option.
  • Fixed an issue with applying the Send MIDI action to a MIDI trigger.
  • Fixed an issue when trying to sign into the SongSelect service is there is already an authentication token in the keychain.
  • Fixed an issue where line formatting would appear next to the artist name if applied.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the screen to freeze if a sticky note was scaled or rotated.
  • Fixed an issue when drawing on certain types of documents where the drawing would stop due to the touch event being captured.
  • Fixed an issue where scrolling a large PDF file by page causes a slight offset issue due to padding placed between pages.
  • Fixed an issue where viewing a PDF file in low light mode and then converting the text and viewing continues to show a white background making text invisible.
  • Fixed an issue where an @ symbol at the beginning of a line in Console causes a hang.
  • Fixed an issue where chords such as ||: or :|| were not showing the colons due to chord tagging.
  • Fixed an issue where placing parenthesis around a split chord would cause the first part to not transpose.
  • Fixed an issue where chord tags are displaying in the main viewer when a one-character tag is used.
  • Fixed an issue where you open a setlist, tap the first song and it instantly flips forward like 3 songs.
  • Fixed an issue where beaming a set to another device with loan shared songs turned on allows the songs to enter the main library when the user opens the song in the song editor and saves it.
  • Fixed an issue where OnSong connect could be disabled during a remote settings change like shifting into low light mode.
  • Fixed issue where the highlight of the section was not fully encapsulating the section when "section" style selection was used and choruses are indented.
  • Fixed an issue where applying a style to a book or set with separate styles enabled would apply the style to the song in the master library.
  • Fixed an issue where removing a song from a set that has been placed in alphabetic order would cause the custom order of the set to be set to the alphabetic order.
  • Fixed an issue where PCO plans that contains a plan item without a chord chart or attachment would appear as blank and prevent the entire plan from importing.
  • Fixed an issue where a chord like GM7 would not appear in the diagrams when they are drawn on the song page.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the action assigned to a MIDI trigger would not update the action in the MIDI triggers list.
  • Fixed an issue where MIDI events that lack channels were not being received properly when listening for events.
  • Fixed an issue where closing some dialogs like the MIDI editor will cause an inerrant foot pedal press on iOS 10.
  • Fixed an issue with loading songs using MIDI indexes on an iPhone when viewing the song list.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Timeline to not be saved due to invalid items found during serialization.
  • Fixed an issue with how channel and universe numbers appear in the DMX fixture editor.
  • Fixed an issue with the metronome where the tempo will remain the same regardless of the number of beats per measure except in the case of dotted quarter notes.
  • Fixed an issue with how songs are created using the OnSong Connect API.
  • Fixed an issue with Set Viewport not being applied when viewing a set.
  • Fixed an issue in the chord diagram editor running on an iPhone where the wrong instrument is being selected.
  • Fixed an issue where OnSong connect could be disabled during a remote settings change like shifting into low light mode.
  • Fixed an issue caused when zooming into a Word document to draw.
  • Fixed an issue that causes the alpha picker in the color builder to become unresponsive if the alpha is set to zero.
  • Fixed an issue in OnCue that results in the initial song not being displayed on the following device.
  • Fixed an issue that causes the wrong backing track to play in iOS 10.1 when navigating to the next song in the set before the previous backing track is finished.
  • Fixed and issue when exporting songs containing umlauts to Dropbox when you have German language set in OnSong.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a song from a set while in edit mode causes editing mode to end but does not update back to a done button.
  • Fixed an issue that causes a strange error message to appear when a database cannot be fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where the name of the set was not being displayed when received on a recipient device.
  • Fixed an issue where inline chords are adding too many spaces.
  • Fixed row height issues in the songs menu such as when choosing and artist under the By Artist tab.
  • Fixed an issue that can cause songs to not export or print if more than once character is used in the adjusted space character setting.