Release Notes

OnSong 1.99997

OnSong 1.99997 was released on December 14, 2017. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • Added the ability to search sets.
  • Added the ability to change timeline events like scroll position, the action that is being performed, etc.
  • Added the ability to adjust for the notch in iPhone X and make it adjustable using the "Adjusts for Safe Areas" setting under Settings » Display Settings » Song Viewer » Screen » Borders.
  • Added the ability to import audio files from Google Drive.
  • Added the ability to import background media files from Google Drive.
  • Added the ability to import from Google Docs as different formats (PDF, HTML, plain text)
  • Added the ability to sync with Google Drive.
  • Added the ability to configure Flic buttons on an iPhone or iPod Touch.
  • Added the ability to drag a set into the books list to create a new book by the same name.
  • Added the ability to drag and drop one or more songs into the books list to create a new book named after the first selected song.
  • Added the ability to disable drag and drop.
  • Added the ability to toggle a CC MIDI command on/off with a MIDI switch.
  • Added the ability to configure scenes in the song editor with a "Scene" tag.
  • Added the ability to configure scenes tag in the metadata editor.
  • Added the ability to send DMX each refresh cycle.
  • Added the ability to change the color model in the lighting console.
  • Added the ability to configure the AirTurn Digit III separately from the Digit II.
  • Added the ability to show an alert if an error occurred when importing from Google Drive.
  • Added the ability to set an action to start audio backing tracks.
  • Added the ability to set an action to stop audio backing tracks.
  • Added the ability to set an action to start autoscroll.
  • Added the ability to set an action to stop autoscroll.
  • Added the ability to set an action to start metronome.
  • Added the ability to set an action to stop metronome.
  • Added the ability to search SongSelect by CCLI #.


  • Changed the user interface of the foot pedal setup screen to be more consistent.
  • Changed the menus in foot pedal setup screen to open in a separate model window on iPhone or iPod Touch.
  • Changed the user guide to a configure button for Stomp 6 to playback the video.
  • Changed the STOMP 6 manual to go to the user manual PDF on the AirTurn web site.
  • Changed the Flic foot pedal setup screen to have a "Configure" button that will play the video tutorial and link to the manual from there.
  • Changed the user interface for selecting a value for a control change in the MIDI editor.
  • Changed the user interface for selecting a velocity for a note on event in the MIDI editor.
  • Changed the "Shows Volume Indicator" to default to on.
  • Changed the device music player to automatically hide the iOS volume indicator when performing crossfade.
  • Changed how the Console handles tab characters so it is the same as the iOS app.
  • Changed the HTML conversion to replace non-breaking spaces.
  • Changed the Organizer menu to start at a longer size and attempt to grow as needed.
  • Changed the importing process of to present an alert if importing a song fails due to the lack of an importable file.
  • Changed the print preview screen to show progress while generating very large PDF files.
  • Changed the way foot pedal scroll up/down actions work in lists on compact screens to that the screen is not closed.
  • Changed the note names to response the one-based index setting.
  • Changed how OnSong reacts when switching libraries so that the menu is closed before the screen redraws.
  • Changed the way selecting libraries works by showing a checkmark next to the current library.
  • Changed the set viewer so that if songs are reordered or deleted, the song that is viewed when complete will be the previously viewed song instead of the last selected index.
  • Changed the SongSelect search screen to automatically select the song when only one song is found.
  • Changed the Text Tools icon to a hammer instead of a wrench to avoid confusion with the wrench used for setting options.
  • Changed the amount that volume is changed to 6.25% instead of 5% to match up with the 16 bars that appear in the iOS volume indicator.
  • Changed the song viewer to not goto the metadata section when a viewport is specified but no section to avoid duplicative MIDI evens from being sent.


  • Fixed an issue where RWTC does not appear for some users after a new installation.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting a set in the Sets tab causes the screen to redraw without and animation and loss the navigation hierarchy.
  • Fixed a crash condition when trying to edit songs when the chord builder had been tacked.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition when synchronizing with Dropbox when metadata is not returned from the API.
  • Fixed a crash condition when deleting an import source.
  • Fixed a crash condition when a set into the books list.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause iTunes Media Library tracks to not crossfade until run under iOS 11.2.
  • Fixed an issue that would only allow audio files to be imported from Storage Providers.
  • Fixed an issue with the Other export location had been inadvertently removed from the Backup locations list.
  • Fixed issue when emailing a single song where the subject says Untitled for song.
  • Fixed an issue when attempting to reorder songs in a setlist in editing mode and alphabetic order where it was not prompting the user to switch to custom order mode first.
  • Fixed an issue where stage monitor mode pages could be flung out of view if scrolled too hard.
  • Fixed an issue where the song viewer on OnSong Connect slaves could be flung out of view if scrolled too hard.
  • Fixed an issue when multiselect previewing is combined with auto show/hide song list.
  • Fixed an issue where switching between bracketed and chords over lyrics on an iPhone does not function.
  • Fixed an issue where unknown file types are not being permitted to be downloaded by Google Drive such as ChordPro.
  • Fixed an issue where trait sliders are only always enabled even when fixtures are selected that do not support those traits.
  • Fixed an issue when settings traits in the lighting console where the incorrect DMX values were being updated.
  • Fixed an issue in the lighting controller where values were being reset to zero when the screen loaded.
  • Fixed an issue where borders changed the alignment of drawings.
  • Fixed inconsistencies with the position of left/right borders.
  • Fixed an issue with the live bar being overrun by the notch on the right side on iPhone X.
  • Fixed the alignment of the buy button in the foot pedal screens.
  • Fixed visual display issues with the action picker interface in the Flic foot pedal setup screen after the interface is displayed and closed.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting an action in the Flic foot pedal setup screen causes the action picker to close immediately.
  • Fixed user interface issues in the foot pedal screen when running on an iPhone or iPod Touch.
  • Fixed an issue where pressing a Flic to open the action panel would cause the action screen to appear in an inconsistent manner.
  • Fixed some issues where press and hold on a Flic was not performing the action.
  • Fixed an issue with how Flic gesture detection works so that it is more responsive if only certain gestures are used.
  • Fixed an issue with showing the song list when using an iPhone and foot pedal action.
  • Fixed an issue where "(null) iTunes" appears under a track name when no artist is available.
  • Fixed issues with how the color was being calculated in the lighting console when all values were set to zero.
  • Fixed an issue retrieving light color from all LIFX bulbs.
  • Fixed an issue with restoring backups where library would not appear after restoration.
  • Fixed an issue where the secondary scroller doesn't scroll horizontally.
  • Fixed an issue with traits as they should combine based on their name.
  • Fixed an issue with the live bar being overrun by the notch on the right side on iPhone X.
  • Fixed an issue when settings the Send MIDI action in the Timeline Editor where it would not allow multiple MIDI commands to be set.
  • Fixed an issue with how MIDI note events appear in the list when no note is set.
  • Fixed an issue where an unset program change was appearing as a bank select.
  • Fixed an issue where if nothing is set in the program change it appears as a blank line.
  • Fixed an issue where the volume indicator appears when staring the app.
  • Fixed an issue with changing external screen resolution where it was not being applied correctly.
  • Fixed the print preview screen to prevent it from locking up the user interface.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with auto show/hide menubar and song list.
  • Fixed an issue where loaned songs can be edited, but those changes could be lost as they are not found in the main library.
  • Fixed a rare crash condition when the song list is opened at the end of a set.
  • Fixed an issue where tapping Fade In/Out in the audio settings screen when launched from the live bar caused the app to refresh and the menus to close.
  • Fixed an issue with the audio routing icon in playback heads-up display would remain white instead of changing to the configured tint color.
  • Fixed an issue where the segmented control in the sets tab would covering the sort and add buttons when external repository is enabled and the segments expand to contain the label.
  • Fixed an issue where selection clears after about one second in the OnSong Media Library screen.
  • Fixed an issue with the "Other" option not appearing when exporting media.
  • Fixed an issue where you can't drag and drop a set as an OnSong Archive.
  • Fixed an issue where reordering sets would act like drag and drop and not maintain perfect vertical reordering.
  • Fixed an issue with how Control Change names using numbers do not match the values as displayed in one-based index is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where MIDI is sending for non-visible songs when fit to viewport is used.
  • Fixed an issue where OnSong Console/Connect does not remain active in the background.
  • Fixed an issue that results in a library named "Default" when you rename the default library.
  • Fixed an issue where exporting a song with an imported PDF as a different file format like .onsong would not export the imported file type.
  • Fixed an issue where all files exported to iTunes File Sharing would arrive in a directory.
  • Fixed an issue with sortable prefix being added to songs exported from the All Songs menu when a set had been selected previously.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Quick Pick screen to be unresponsive and not closable due to an iOS 11 view controller stack bug.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause large Google Drive documents to not update update the progress indicator due to no expected bytes being returned.
  • Fixed a crash condition when opening the OnSong Media Library screen from the Utilities menu on the iPhone.
  • Fixed a crash condition with opening the Background Media Library screen from the Utilities menu on an iPhone.
  • Fixed an issue where the tempo control changes could be sent in a way that causes them to get out of order.
  • Fixed a scroll offset issue on iOS 11 when jumping page to page in a PDF file.
  • Fixed an issue when moving backward through a set where a page down command will go to the last page that was accessed before leaving the song.
  • Fixed an issue where inline text with large chords overlaps lyrics.
  • Fixed an issue where the drawing bar is selected but disappears because the menubar is hidden.
  • Fixed an issue where sticky notes can be dragged off of the paper and then get stuck.
  • Fixed an user interface issue in the About section of setting when displayed in landscape on an iPhone X.
  • Fixed an issue where the color picker opening in settings would not respect safe areas for iPhone X when in landscape mode.