Release Notes

OnSong 1.99998

OnSong 1.99998 was released on December 19, 2017. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • Added the ability to export multiple files using the storage providers.
  • Added the ability to import multiple files from Storage Providers.
  • Added the ability to specify multiple values for a control change by separating them by hyphens.


  • Changed the timecode editor so that events after the changed timecode will not be altered.
  • Changed the name of Storage Providers to Files to match the iOS 11 files app.
  • Changed the icon of Storage Providers to match the iOS 11 Files app icon.
  • Changed the MIDI editor back to using a slider for control change value but tapping on the number will bring up a picker.
  • Changed the MIDI editor back to using a slider for note velocity but tapping on the number will bring up a picker.


  • Fixed an issue where the Add To OnSong Safari extension is not appearing on older iOS versions.
  • Fixed an issue where exporting a single file to Dropbox or other remove location fails.
  • Fixed an issue where PDF files do not complete rendering properly and causes blacked out portions of the screen.
  • Fixed issues with the keyboard displaying all the time.
  • Fixed an issue when drawing on a zoomed out page that causes the drawing surface to become smaller.
  • Fixed an issue where "Untitled" is displaying in the set/book heads-up display even if no set is selected.
  • Fixed an issue where PDF files do not complete rendering properly on older iOS versions.
  • Fixed an issue when synchronizing only one file to Dropbox.
  • Fixed an issue when synchronizing only one file to Google Drive.
  • Fixed a crash condition when dragging and dropping in the all songs menu.
  • Fixed a crash condition when recording and then starting the timeline.
  • Fixed an issue when changing the timecode in the timeline editor that effects other event timecode.
  • Fixed an issue where MIDI assigned to the first song of the set is being sent when OnSong is reopened on say the third song of the set.
  • Fixed an issue where MIDI of the current song was being sent when putting OnSong into the background.
  • Fixed an issue where control change latching is not working when assigned to songs or sections.
  • Fixed an issue where Latching control changes are not working.
  • Fixed an issue where MIDI note events would not trigger actions when using one-based index.
  • Fixed an issue with the velocity not being set correctly for note events.