Release Notes

OnSong 1.99999

OnSong 1.99999 was released on April 10, 2018. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • Added the ability to manipulate sticky notes with two finger drag, pinch, and rotate.
  • Added the ability to link multiple audio files to a single song and switch between them.
  • Added the ability to automatically find and link ambient tracks to songs that match the current key of the song.
  • Added the ability to determine which app should handle iTunes backing tracks in Settings » Live Settings » Audio Playback » iTunes.
  • Added the ability to view private Spotify playlists for linking to tracks.
  • Added the ability to show chords for Baritone Ukulele.
  • Added the ability to compress OnSong audio tracks.
  • Added the ability to compress background media such as images and video.
  • Added the ability to enlarge section indexes on the right side of lists.
  • Added the ability to choose the default action for a foot pedal separately from setting the action to none.
  • Added the ability to add variable actions to the timeline.
  • Added the ability to change the note font family in the note editor.
  • Added the ability to switch between bracketed and chords over lyrics methods in the song editor before any chords are entered.
  • Added the ability to replace variations like dim, aug, 7th with symbols like º, delta, etc.
  • Added the ability to replace smart quote character with an actual smart quote character.
  • Added the ability to show DMX option names when changing trait sliders in the Lighting Console.


  • Changed how interaction with sticky notes works so that it requires two finger interaction for move, scale, and rotate, or tap to "enable" the note and then move with one finger.
  • Changed the swipe to delete function in the track picker to remove the stored tracks from the song.
  • Changed the playback of iTunes backing tracks to be handled by OnSong instead of the Music app unless changed in settings.
  • Changed the "recycle" button in OnSong Connect to remove any and all trusted devices.
  • Changed the icon for scenes to more accurately depict scenes.
  • Changed timeout durations for Dropbox to five minutes.
  • Changed timeout durations for Amazon S3 to 30 seconds.
  • Changed MIDI control changes to never use one-based index.
  • Changed control changes to always start with zero instead of one even if one-based index is enabled.
  • Changed "View Details" when tapping and holding background media to "Edit".
  • Changed the provision manager to unlock songs on defunct content providers.
  • Changed the chord line detection to reject what it detects to be guitar tab.
  • Changed the name section called "iCloud" to "iTunes" in Audio Playback.
  • Changed the step name that appears in the scenes editor to "Untitled" if none was set.
  • Changed the adding DMX fixtures to check Internet connectivity and go directly to manual fixture creation process.
  • Changed the scenes editor to add additional space between the lighting console and add buttons.
  • Changed the extract text error alert to no longer appear like an Internet connection is required.
  • Changed the text extraction process on an iPhone to indicate extraction progress where the Done button appears.
  • Changed the way that rows appear in the audio library editor in low light mode.
  • Changed lyrics projection to remove extraneous spaces when displaying lyrics.
  • Changed the loupe values that display when changing traits in scenes to intelligently select a value between two numbers such as strobe frequency.


  • Fixed a crash condition when exporting to the Files (previously Storage Providers) option on iOS 9 and 10.
  • Fixed a crash condition when editing sequences in scenes.
  • Fixed a crash condition when setting new parameters on an edited timeline event.
  • Fixed an issue with switching over to the extracted text version on an iPhone.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting "None" for a timeline event causes nothing to appear instead of "None".
  • Fixed an issue where the Shows Volume Indicator setting is being set to something different when using MIDI volume control or toggling backing track state.
  • Fixed issues when switching between libraries.
  • Fixed an issue where imported PDF files are not zooming in based on viewport.
  • Fixed an issue when switching to a library and then restoring a backup, it automatically switches you back to the Default library.
  • Fixed a crash condition when setting new parameters on an edited timeline event.
  • Fixed a crash condition when trying to reorder a set, but cancelling.
  • Fixed a crash condition when setting a variable action Adjust Autoscroll.
  • Fixed an issue where Spotify warns you about having a premium membership each time.
  • Fixed an issue where the key changes in a song when you rearrange the songs in a set.
  • Fixed an issue where removing songs in a set will not update the order of the songs when numbering is enabled.
  • Fixed and issue when viewing a set and then changing settings, the songs menu goes back to the list of sets and should stay on the currently selected set.
  • Fixed an issue with the volume indicator not reenabling when pausing or stopping iTunes backing tracks.
  • Fixed a crash when setting a variable action Adjust Autoscroll.
  • Fixed a crash condition when closing split screen.
  • Fixed an issue with reset song not scrolling to the section when a viewport is used.
  • Fixed an issue with how OnSong displayed MIDI note levels.
  • Fixed an issue where importing a Google Doc as PDF file results in the PDF file being viewed as text with PDF syntax.
  • Fixed an issue where metadata is not updated in the song editor on iPhone.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition in stage monitor mode when the size of chord charts is not calculated properly.
  • Fixed an issue where a Cbm chord is displayed for C#m on ukulele.
  • Fixed an issue in the Flic pedal screen where reconnecting a Flic does not dismiss the Flic button picker menu.
  • Fixed an issue when turning off Bluetooth, Flics must be manually reconnected to OnSong.
  • Fixed an issue toggling between full screen mode in the lyrics projection preview widget.
  • Fixed an issue where the menubar covers the top portion of the song when loaded due to a scrollview bug iOS 11.
  • Fixed an issue where chords push together when there is only one space between them.
  • Fixed a crash when turning off AirPlay.
  • Fixed an issue with the virtual keyboard appearing when an external keyboard is connected and the app comes into the foreground when in the song editor.
  • Fixed an issue with sending MIDI commands with navigation zones.
  • Fixed an issue with dragging and dropping songs into list of sets to make set.
  • Fixed a freeze condition when you go into a set, then go back.
  • Fixed an issue where adding a song to a set via Quick Pick is not automatically refreshing the songs in the songs menu.
  • Fixed an issue where you have to tap twice to close a popover and open another from the toolbar.
  • Fixed an issue where you can’t hide keyboard after starting a search on iPhone.
  • Fixed an issue when creating a sequence in a scene it would not make the blank name field the first responder.
  • Fixed an issue where the ArtNet DMX bridge was being enabled by default.
  • Fixed an issue in the lighting console where refreshing the lights browser causes the tree to collapse and shouldn’t.
  • Fixed an issue where LIFX is being enabled when it's not active.
  • Fixed an issue where scenes created in the lighting console have durations set to zero instead of infinite.
  • Fixed an issue where RGB color sliders should be disabled if there are no lights in the selected elements.
  • Fixed an issue with scenes playing and not letting lighting console to be changed.
  • Fixed an issue where a light with a single trait and no lights isn’t showing the trait.
  • Fixed an issue where traits can be edited that are not available in the selected elements.
  • Fixed an issue where ArtNet fixtures are not automatically resorting after channels are changed.
  • Fixed an issue with keyboard management when switching between apps using an external keyboard.
  • Fixed an issue when converting to chords over lyrics mode when there is no blank line between the metadata and the verse.
  • Fixed an issue where changing books adds song to the new book in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where the toolbar may disappear when view all sets.
  • Fixed an issue with the annotations menu not closing when adding sticky notes.
  • Fixed an issue with importing a song from WorshipReady into the library.
  • Fixed an issue with books and songs are being transferred between libraries when you switch between libraries.
  • Fixed an issue where scrolling does not move to the bottom when viewports are used with MS Word documents.
  • Fixed a crash condition when deleting a set in All Sets using the Edit button.
  • Fixed an issue when using switch section action with uppercased section labels.
  • Fixed an issue where linked audio files are not found when viewing a song and switching between books and all songs.
  • Fixed a crash condition when starting and stopping scene preview animations.
  • Fixed an issue where the foot pedal screen does not appear on newer versions.
  • Fixed a crash condition when changing the split screen due to attempting to modally present an active view controller.
  • Fixed an issue where setting the pedal action to "None" results in the default actions in being performed.
  • Fixed an issue with enharmonic preference discrepancies when toggling between major and minor keys in the Console add-on.
  • Fixed an issue where the volume is getting set to 0 on iOS 11.3 beta from an incorrect volume read from the system player.
  • Fixed an issue with topics not working due to smart/straight quotes.
  • Fixed an issue with device playback where the playback state is no longer returned in the notification in iOS 11.3 beta.
  • Fixed an issue with multiple popover menus opening like the songs menu and the utilities menu.
  • Fixed an issue with transposition with localized chords when chords are flagged to be unlocalized incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where the name of a fixture that doesn't have a manufacturer or label shows as (null) in browse lights.
  • Fixed an issue with the text "On Demand" showing in the wrong place in the ArtNet details screen.
  • Fixed a crash when renaming an ArtNet fixture from the lighting console.
  • Fixed a crash condition when deleting new songs through the song editor on an iPhone.
  • Fixed issues with odd spacing next to chords when adjust whitespace is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue when exporting files to a Google Drive folder that ends with a space character.
  • Fixed an issue where PDF files appear underneath the header area incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue when searching Spotify on an iPhone and there's no way to close the keyboard to return to the tab bar.
  • Fixed an issue with how the song viewer aligns when showing/hiding menus on an iPhone.
  • Issue where saved sticky note will not delete, nor will they remain saved if new one is added.
  • Fixed a crash condition when changing the split screen due to attempting to modally present an active view controller.
  • Fixed an issue that can cause an OnSong Connect client to continue receiving navigation events after the client leaves the OnSong Connect session.