Release Notes

OnSong 2018.2

OnSong 2018.2 was released on September 7, 2018. user manual updates.
The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • New! Moments let you turn your sets into full event run sheets. »
  • New! Documents Tab lets you make adjustments to the page your song is drawn on. »
  • New! AirTurn BT200 foot pedal support for both S2 and S4 models. »
  • New! Directional Sort lets you sort ascending and descending and shows you how lists are sorted. »


  • Added ability to disable or adjust the amount of time bumpers are displayed when using foot pedals.
  • Added support for the new AirTurn BT200 S2 and S4 pedals.
  • Added a switch to turn off loading collections in the song viewer.
  • Added the ability to switch sort direction in the song list by selecting the same sort order twice.
  • Added the document and applicable chord settings from the style preferences menu to apply styles.
  • Added song counts to the right of collections and books in the books list.
  • Added the number of items in each book and collection to the right side.
  • Added the ability to set a time on a set to view the time for each item in the set based on duration.
  • Added the ability to view timing in the set.
  • Added the ability to sort songs by key with an included key index on the right side.
  • Added sort indicators when sorting in the iTunes File Sharing import menu.
  • Added sort indicators when sorting in the Dropbox import menu.
  • Added sort indicators when sorting in the Google Drive import menu.
  • Added sort indicators when sorting in the WebDAV import menu.
  • Added sort indicators when sorting in the S3 import menu.
  • Added sort indicators when sorting in the FTP import menu.


  • Changed the settings screen to acquire table cell style as the rest of the app.
  • Changed how the system displays alerts and action sheets to be more modern and visible.
  • Changed the text color of alerts and action sheets to a dark shade of gray.
  • Changed the renderer to allow loaned songs to be viewed even if not signed into provisioned content.
  • Changed the song picker in the system to use the new songs menu so it includes all new features and performance.
  • Changed the SongSelect import process to validate PDF files and throw an error if there was an issue.
  • Changed the options in Settings > Navigation Settings > Foot Pedals > Disable Section/Set Navigation to remove "Disable" and invert the options.
  • Changed the font family chooser to be placed in the document tab of style preferences since it applies to the whole document.
  • Changed the sets listing to display the number of songs in the set on the right in the app color to match other lists.
  • Changed how book items are retrieved to use the modern query system.
  • Changed the books screen to divide collections from books.
  • Changed the set editor to include the ability to select a time.
  • Changed the sets menu to be even more memory efficient.
  • Changed the location of the low light mode button from the format screen to the document screen.
  • Changed the sets menu to insert items just below the currently selected item.
  • Changed the song picker in the export screen to use the new song picker interface.
  • Changed the bumpers to show the next song's key and capo.
  • Changed the folder list to show the quantity of sets on the right side in the app color.
  • Changed the title of the set editor to remove the term "Song".
  • Changed the way provider verification works to only update accessibility status instead of redrawing the entire song viewer for performance.


  • Fixed an issue when changing the low light mode via the style preferences menu where the share and utilities menu do not update to the new style.
  • Fixed an issue where user interface components based on theme were not updating when changed via settings.
  • Fixed an issue where the Done button not switching back to the Edit button after using multiselect in the songs list.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting songs from a set where the songs were not being visually removed from the list.
  • Fixed an issue where saving changes on Console are not updating the app version.
  • Fixed an issue where emailing an OnSong Archive of a set fails.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting songs from a set where the songs were not being visually removed from the list.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the order of songs in a set is causing separate styles information to be lost after leaving the set and coming back in.
  • Fixed an issue when selected Original Key while sending email would not be applied.
  • Fixed an issue with bumpers not working in "Jump To Section" mode.
  • Fixed an issue where reordering songs in a set when songs list is auto hide that is hides the list.
  • Fixed an issue where searching for songs returns songs that have been loaned/deleted.
  • Fixed an issue when changing the sort order of items in a set, the set would reload and select the first song in the set instead of staying on the currently viewed song.
  • Fixed a crash condition when deleting songs from the library through the set editing mode on iOS 9.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect backing tracks to be played.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the icon in the organized doesn't update the set lists.
  • Fixed a crash condition when changing time signatures in the playback menu.
  • Fixed a possible issue that can cause OnSong Connect to not turn pages.
  • Fixed an issue where the add-ons screen would not open from the vertical menubar.
  • Fixed an issue where the visual metronome down beta would because disconnected from the audio.
  • Fixed an issue with how lyrics projection margins and inserts layout the text.
  • Fixed an issue with diminished chords not displaying correctly in Czech.
  • Fixed an issue in the setlist where if you transpose a song, the list still shows only the original key and not the transposed one.
  • Fixed an issue in Console when tapping on multiple toggle buttons in the preview and the buttons no longer respond.
  • Fixed an issue where icons for songs are not being updated to respect separate styles.
  • Fixed an issue where the song would not be selected properly in the songs list when the console updated the song viewer as a single song.
  • Fixed an issue where the "lead" feature of Console would load the song but not load it within the loaded songs in the viewer.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition that occurs when unzipping a backup file and the operation fails due to file system errors such as out of space.
  • Fixed an issue when exporting a set as a single file where an empty folder would be created named after the set.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting "None" in the artist category does not display "None" as the title of the results list of songs.
  • Fixed an issue where entering edit mode when viewing songs in topics does not permit multiselect.
  • Fixed an issue where Archive/Unarchive Set was placed at the bottom of the editing mode action menu.
  • Fixed an issue when creating a new song where the new song is not rendered in the song viewer.
  • Fixed an issue when saving changes using console that the song redraws while scrolling to the top of the song.
  • Fixed an issue where rotating the screen would result in the song being scrolled to the top or viewport.
  • Fixed an issue with performance when switching to a song in the new song viewer.
  • Fixed an issue where if a viewport is set without a section assignment that reset song has no effect on scroll position.
  • Fixed an issue when you have remember zoom position enabled and try to set a viewport with an alert appears and immediately closes.
  • Fixed an issue where some user settings are not cleared when Reset Settings is issued.


  • Removed Scroll To Tapped Section from the Foot Pedal Settings options since it does not pertain to foot pedals.