Release Notes

OnSong 2018.6

OnSong 2018.6 was released on December 25, 2018. You can find what has changed in the user manual updates.
The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • New! Actions Menu provides a hierarchal and organized list of over 100 actions. »
  • New! ChordPro section support including custom section labels. »
  • New! Improvements to the visual metronome. »


  • Added the ability to fade the visual metronome out instead of an abrupt change. »
  • Added the ability to adjust the speed at which the visual metronome blink color fades. »
  • Added the ability to take time signature into account when tapping in the tempo. »
  • Added the ability to disable two finger zoom in the song viewer. »
  • Added the ability to use the baritone ukulele instrument in console. »
  • Added the ability to configure up to eight foot pedals in settings. »
  • Added the new actions icon to the bottom of the vertical menubar just above the tack icon. »
  • Added "Now Playing" and "Up Next" options in the messages menu to send the song title and information about either the current song or the next song in the set. »
  • Added the ability to hide labels for ChordPro bridge, chorus, part, and verse. »
  • Added the ability to set a default scene for set to use when songs have no scene assigned. »
  • Added the ability to prevent background media from playing automatically by including an "Autoplay" switch when editing background videos. »
  • Added the ability to change media volume through volume adjust/up/down actions. »
  • Added the ability to fade background media with a fade (adjust/in/out) action. »
  • Added support for OnSong to use new ChordPro "start_of" tags such as start_of_verse, and start_of_part in addition to start_of_chorus and start_of_bridge including the abbreviated versions of those tags.
  • Added support for custom section labels to be defined using the ChordPro start_of tags by entering the section label after a colon like {start_of_verse:Verse 1}.
  • Added the ability to have ChordPro tags automatically increment when used without labels so that {sov} results in Verse 1: and repeated tags increment that count. »
  • Added the ability for start_of_ ChordPro tags to be used within Flow. »
  • Added a feature to toggle off the automatic number acquisition from title. »
  • Added the pedal mode icon to the AirTurn DUO and QUAD screens for the new DUO/QUAD 200. »
  • Added the ability to remove extraneous hyphens when preparing sections for lyrics projection. »
  • Added the ability to sort sets and books in the organizer menu. »
  • Added support for the lyricist and composer tags. »
  • Added the ability to only show exact variations of chord charts. »
  • Added the ability to adjust the delay to wait before starting song change triggers. »
  • Added the ability to open the beta app separately from the live app.


  • Changed the sort menu in the main song lists to show how the list is currently being sorted up top with "Sort Songs By: Title (Ascending)". »
  • Changed the position of the current set/current book/all songs to the top of the Apply Style menu. »
  • Changed the MIDI editor to be more compact by moving the MIDI event types to a second menu. »
  • Changed the foot pedal icon in the menubar to a more generic "actions" icon. »
  • Changed the foot pedal setup screen to the actions editor to manage triggered action in foot pedals, MIDI, and screen taps. »
  • Changed the "Hide Chorus Label" to a ChordPro section and renamed to "Hide Chorus Section Label" to better clarify its purpose. »
  • Changed the stop metronome setting back to the audio tab. »
  • Changed the metronome to properly generate a beat when using time signatures over eight such as 7/8.
  • Change the border for visual metronome to be rounded for iPhone X and iPad Pro.
  • Changed list menus to show multiple lines of detail text when using larger fonts on iOS 11 and higher.
  • Changed the method for outputting pitch using MIDI notes to fix issues with pitch generation.
  • Changed the app to keep popover menus on the screen upon leaving, resizing, or changing orientation.
  • Changed the Get Support screen to backup and upload the library diagnostics in the background even if OnSong is closed.


  • Updated the actions lists in settings (Foot Pedals, Navigation Zones, Overscroll, Hot Corners, Audio Input) to use the new functions in a hierarchal list.
  • Updated all translations.


  • Fixed an issue where popover menus would shift when leaving or resizing the app.
  • Fixed an issue with ChordPro define tags when calculating the sections.
  • Fixed an issue where you can't change font size on sticky notes.
  • Fixed a crash condition that can occur when updating the content of a song from an imported file when the song content is blank and the file is missing.
  • Fixed an issue where the enharmonic preference was not being forced from settings.
  • Fixed an issue where the Previous Song bumper would appear when you first navigate to the song.
  • Fixed an issue where optional chords in brackets like [(C#m)] don't superscript.
  • Fixed an issue when sorting songs by added, updated, icon, etc. and then switching between ascending/descending order causes wrong sorting method to be displayed in sort menu.
  • Fixed an issue with ChordPro comment tags are appearing in lyrics projection.
  • Fixed an issue where having single slashes in brackets and using superscript results in a blank chord highlight.
  • Fixed an issue where assigning an icon to a song with a sticky note and then editing that sticky note causes icon to disappear.
  • Fixed an issue where the user could not search quick pick by song number.
  • Fixed an issue with grabbing Flic buttons.
  • Fixed incorrect French translations.
  • Fixed an issue where metronome settings on the iPhone show two Done buttons when launched from the live bar menu.
  • Fixed a crash condition when attempting to rearrange colors in the color picker in Settings » Display Settings » App Color.
  • Fixed an issue where MIDI is not being transferred with a song when you place the song into a set from a book.
  • Fixed an issue when OnSong is linked a media file that has no file will then cause OnSong to play the track last loaded in iTunes.
  • Fixed a crash condition when editing existing MIDI events.
  • Fixed a crash condition when receiving MIDI events from MIDI devices.
  • Fixed an issue where the MIDI triggers list would not update when MIDI was received from a MIDI device.
  • Fixed an issue where a set list placed in random order would reshuffle every time the menu appears.
  • Fixed an issue with MIDI amounts/values not being sent to actions in the new action manager.
  • Fixed a crash condition when fading motion backgrounds out and stopping/pausing.
  • Fixed an issue where the foot pedal page control does not appear when in the tabbed interface.
  • Fixed an issue with the flow toggle button not appearing in the Playback Menu.
  • Fixed an issue where changing a song title in the song editor doesn't update the title in the heads-up display.
  • Fixed an issue where comments in ChordPro curly brackets is displaying in lyrics projection.
  • Fixed an issue with how flow is calculated in Console.
  • Fixed an issue searching for songs that contain apostrophes due to smart quotes appearing in search bars.
  • Fixed an issue where SongSelect previews would count against the user's quota.
  • Fixed an issue where tapping off of the SongSelect menu, the current selection is lost when opened again.
  • Fixed an issue where SongSelect previews would count against the user's quota.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Adjust To Fit" setting was not respected on Chromecast and web-based lyrics projection.
  • Fixed an issue when importing an OnSong archive, a single song would be duplicated in the set list if the filenames of multiple songs was an empty string.
  • Fixed an issue where MIDI start command was not being sent immediately.
  • Fixed an issue with bad enharmonic preference when transposing mid-song.
  • Fixed a video repeat glitch that may have been caused by the new looper and switching videos.
  • Fixed an issue with style preferences menu changes not taking effect in OnSong Connect.
  • Fixed an issue where the audio song change trigger would not start when moving to songs that had already been played.
  • Fixed an issue where the selections made in the set songs picker are removed if the menu is closed and reopened.
  • Fixed a crash condition when tapping tempo from the live bar and playback menu and then back.
  • Fixed cell resizing issues in the settings screen on iOS 9 and 10 when using larger fonts by reducing the number of lines under the main text to one.
  • Fixed an issue with audio skipping caused by network activity placing OnSong into background operation which is triggering an iOS 12 audio session performance isse.
  • Fixed a discrepancy between song viewer and lyrics projection sections with blank lines containing white space characters.
  • Fixed a potential crash condition when laying out the preview widget when the frame is not calculated with valid dimensions.