Release Notes

OnSong 2019.0

OnSong 2019.0 was released on February 18, 2019 as a phased update. Learn more about updating OnSong.
You can find what has changed in the user manual updates.

Known Issues

  • There is an issue modulating capo on songs in a minor key due to a correction in how minor versus major keys handle enharmonic preference. This was detected at 1:48 PM on February 19, 2019 and corrected in OnSong 2019.1 released at 3:02 PM on the same day for expedited approval.


  • MIDI Globals lets you set up MIDI to be sent and manage it from one place.
  • AirTurn BT-200 S6 is now configurable within the foot pedal actions screen.
  • Song Editor Preview can be toggled on to view your changes using an on-screen preview widget.
  • Settings Management lets you see the settings you've changed from the default as well as store and load settings.


  • Added the ability to set the selected icon color for vertical menubar mode separately from the app color. »
  • Added the ability to define line formatting colors as 3 or 4 hexadecimal characters instead of 6 and 8. »
  • Added the ability to tap on the screen to configure the active foot pedal when using App Direct mode.
  • Added the ability to configure multiple types of the same foot pedal by tapping on the screen.
  • Added sort direction information to individual sets. »
  • Added the ability to see what settings were altered from the default settings. »
  • Added the ability to export your settings to an *.onsongsettings file. »
  • Added the ability to have do, re, mi use "m" instead of "-" when expressing minor chords. »
  • Added the ability to tap "Choose Action" from the actions menu to scroll to top of actions menu, double-tap for bottom. »
  • Added a devices section in the actions picker to control master device volume and screen brightness. »
  • Added the ability to adjust brightness with momentary increase/decrease actions. »
  • Added the ability to adjust backing track playback volume independently of the device's master volume. »
  • Added the ability to blackout scenes using an action for master dimmer. »
  • Added the ability to change the volume of the metronome in actions. »
  • Added the ability to view the number of available actions at the bottom of the action chooser screen. »
  • Added the ability to set the transposed key of the song as a metadata tag. »
  • Added the ability to use mid-song capo. »
  • Added the ability to type in a control change instead of selecting it from a list.
  • Added the ability to listen to and record SysEx events. »
  • Added the ability to delete an artist from the By Artist list which removes all songs by that artist. »
  • Added the ability to delete a key from the By Key list which removes all songs in that key. »
  • Added the ability to update an existing OnSong Media Library backing track. »
  • Added the ability to duplicate scenes by entering editing mode in the list and tapping on the row to view actions.
  • Added the ability to duplicate fixtures by entering editing mode in the list and tapping on the row to view actions.


  • Changed the position of the Continue action to appear after Stop in the scenes category. »
  • Changed "Undo" button text to "Done" in the Undelete Songs menu. »
  • Changed the "Sort Alphabetically" switch at the bottom of settings to be a sort button like in the rest of the app. »
  • Changed the tempo picker interface to show the quarter note subdivision as a dotted quarter note when a compound time signature like 6/8 is selected. »
  • Changed the default settings of OnSong to automatically backup to iTunes File Sharing. »
  • Changed the way the configurable state of foot pedals is handled.
  • Changed how App Direct Mode foot pedals connect to be a bit smoother.
  • Changed "Up/Down Arrow Mode" to "Arrow Key Mode" when only one option is available such as on the S-series pedals.
  • Changed the default metronome colors to OnSong teal (down beat) and grey (other beats)
  • Changed the height of the menubar to match the new iOS 12 navigation bar and toolbar heights.
  • Changed the status bar text and icon colors to be white or black depending on the brightness of the configured icon color.
  • Changed the user interface to omit the status bar overlay to show the navigation bar colors underneath.
  • Changed the way the vertical menubar background color is applied to be more consistent.
  • Changed Roman numeral chords to not automatically lowercase and replace symbols.
  • Changed vertical menubar toolbar to use the configured toolbar and toolbar icon colors.
  • Changed the PDF output when using mid-song transposition to match the on-screen musical instruction.
  • Changed the translated term for "key" to "tonart" in Swedish.
  • Changed the Undelete Songs tool to refresh once the undelete is finished to indicate a change.
  • Changed the behavior when beaming a set to avoid creating a set when one, unloaned song is shared.
  • Changed the text when beaming songs and sets to match that used in OnSong Connect.
  • Changed the song viewer to automatically redownload a CCLI chart if the underlying file is missing from the library.


  • Updated all translations.
  • Updated the AirTurn Framework to version 3.3.5.


  • Fixed an issue where the unbound songs collection quantity is not updated after adding songs into books.
  • Fixed an issue in split screen mode where the quick pick menu search bar is cut off when in compact mode.
  • Fixed an issue when saving from Console the song title on the iPad (in the HUD) changes, to the song that was saved.
  • Fixed an issue in the Apply Style Menu where "Reset Style" appears under Books.
  • Fixed an issue where songs imported when picking songs for a set are not automatically checked.
  • Fixed an issue when creating a new song and then rewriting into a different key and then tapping Cancel, no prompt to save is displayed.
  • Fixed an issue when starting the app in landscape orientation and then switching to portrait, the icons in the menubar compress.
  • Fixed a crash condition when exporting an entire book as PDF caused by memory pressure.
  • Fixed an issue when using scroll up/down actions to navigate menus.
  • Fixed an issue with Flic buttons not performing double-click actions.
  • Fixed an issue when sorting within set folder and the list if not resorting.
  • Fixed an issue where some "Adjust" actions are being displayed in the momentary actions list.
  • Fixed an issue where the menubar cannot be made translucent.
  • Fixed an issue where tapping on hot corners would also perform navigation zones.
  • Fixed an issue when going into the "Rewrite Into Key" menu and toggling on "In minor key" to switch from C to Am, the chords of the song transpose into A.
  • Fixed an issue with the transpose tag not working properly in Console.
  • Fixed an issue when tapping on a hot corner that was set to none where it would cause set navigation instead.
  • Fixed an issue with MIDI start being sent when MIDI sync is not enabled.
  • Fixed a crash condition when importing certain files from Dropbox.
  • Fixed an issue in Vertical Menubar mode where status bar icons blend in when background is set to white and icon is set to black.
  • Fixed an issue where the toolbars do not align in vertical menubar mode on iOS 12 due to changes in the status bar size.
  • Fixed a crash condition when listening multiple MIDI events in the MIDI triggers screen.
  • Fixed an issue with triggering MIDI from a foot pedal action.
  • Fixed an issue where the roman numeral chord style was showing “min” instead of “m”.
  • Fixed a crash condition when deleted a song from a set list when duplicates of that song are included in the set.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition when loading songs and setting the last played on property.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition when songs with no identifier are attempted to be loaded from the database.
  • Fixed an issue with audio continuity when tracks are not preloaded.
  • Fixed an issue where the sort order description of songs displays as incorrectly labeled when OnSong is redrawn/settings are modified.
  • Fixed an issue where drawings made by Apple Pencil are lost when tapping to navigate through the set.
  • Fixed an issue when copying sets containing moments, and then editing the moment in the second set, it changes the moment in the first set.
  • Fixed an issue where swiping to next song in set list containing songs with zoomed viewports would skip quickly to songs later in the set.
  • Fixed an issue when duplicating songs with a compact device in multiselect mode where the song list closes after completing the action.
  • Fixed an issue with the Flow text field in the Playback menu being to small or large when viewed in vertical menubar mode.
  • Fixed an issue when adding a track to a song it starts to play from the live bar but the playback state is not reflected.
  • Fixed an issue where the audio playback livebar button is in an incorrect state when playing and the screen is redrawn when settings are modified.
  • Fixed an issue when moving through songs in a set is updating the "Recently Updated" sorted list.
  • Fixed a crash condition when adding variable MIDI controls to the MIDI triggers list due to synchronization of table events.
  • Fixed an issue with the positioning of user interface elements in the playback and style preferences menu when using vertical menubar on the right.
  • Fixed an issue where the number zero would appear before titles in the quick pick screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the settings screen is not being translated into Czech.
  • Fixed an issue where the notch on the iPhone X would interrupt the chord diagram screen.
  • Fixed an issue where hot corners would not be shaded correctly when selecting actions.
  • Fixed an issue when selecting in the Audio Media Library using Albums or Artists, the "Close" button should turn into a "Cancel" button instead.
  • Fixed an issue when copying sets containing moments, and then editing the moment in the second set, it changes the moment in the first set.
  • Fixed an issue when creating a set list one right after another using the original set picking mode where the previous songs selected are still selected (with a check mark) and being added to the second set.
  • Fixed an issue when tapping to start autoscroll for songs in a viewport where, the song returns to the top of the page before beginning the scrolling.
  • Fixed an issue when transposing into the key of C where the enharmonic preference was not being taken into account.
  • Fixed issues with connecting to pedals using App Direct Mode for a smoother experience.
  • Fixed an issue where audio would stop playing when OnSong came back into the foreground or when changing split screen sizes.
  • Fixed a potential crash condition when importing from SongSelect and no title is available.
  • Fixed a potential crash condition when retrieving a list of songs that results in a missing song causing a crash.
  • Fixed an issue where a partially transparent vertical menubar would overlap other user interface elements.
  • Fixed an issue where certain menu user interface components would be cut off when viewed in reverse vertical menubar mode.
  • Fixed an issue with naming the set when sharing using the Share » Social » Copy.
  • Fixed a scenario where OnSong would lock up when encountering a double square bracket surrounding a chord.
  • Fixed an issue where the icons (menu and edit) disappear when turning on vertical menubar mode when previously tacked, or when reloading the user interface.
  • Fixed an issue where the livebar play button was resetting when the screen refreshed after a change in settings.
  • Fixed an issue where the upcoming song HUD display would show "No Upcoming Songs" after editing a song in a set.
  • Fixed an issue where streaming iTunes content could not be resumed using play/pause.
  • Fixed an issue sending MIDI sync/transport commands from the live bar.
  • Fixed an issue with how subdivisions were being used when generating the metronome for compound time signatures like 6/8.
  • Fixed an issue when tapping on the "Random" sort option songs change within the set list as well as HUD not correctly showing titles.
  • Fixed an issue where changes made to a song in a book with separate styles was not being retained when reloading the app.
  • Fixed an issue when switching libraries where it won't view the books screen on the first tap.