Release Notes

OnSong 2019.2

OnSong 2019.2 was released on April 4, 2019. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:

Known Issues

  • If you are running iOS 11, please update to iOS 12 or disable Drag and Drop functionality to avoid crashes caused by iOS drag and drop flaws presenting in this and past versions of OnSong.


  • Added Danish translation.
  • Added Turkish translation.
  • Added the ability to clear all MIDI events.
  • Added a buy button to the PageFlip screen in foot pedal setup menu.
  • Added the ability to switch pages as an action.
  • Added the ability to to adjust pages as a variable action.
  • Added the ability to set a specific tempo as an action.
  • Added the ability to change to a specific capo with an action.
  • Added the ability to change to a specific key with an action.
  • Added the ability to set the MIDI note start (Yamaha = C3, Roland = C4)
    to change how notes are numbered when choosing a note event.
  • Added the ability to typeahead search in songs.
  • Added the ability to remove the colon from after the end of the section label.
  • Added the ability to keep Dropbox connections separate between live and beta versions.
  • Added the ability to use regular expressions for search and replace in the Text Tools.
  • Added the ability to more specifically change the width of the menu, especially in vertical menu mode.
  • Added a clear all button in the annotations editor screen.
  • Added the ability to make the font size bigger in the editor panel of Console using the editor font size setting.
  • Added the ability to decide which channel OnSong listens on in the MIDI Trigger screen.
  • Added the ability to press CMD+S or CTRL+S in the Console add-on to save the song.
  • Added the ability to visually indicate the songs that have audio linked to the song.
  • Added the ability to see the set/book in the set list print mode.
  • Added the ability to sort by icon in sets.
  • Added the ability to disable numbers in set lists.


  • Changed the default setting for replacing smart quotes so it’s disabled in Italian.
  • Changed the undelete songs default to no selection.
  • Changed the version number in settings.
  • Changed the label of the PageFlip foot pedal screen.
  • Changed the email template screen to show the original key if the user had turned off transposition in style preferences.
  • Changed the set editor to dynamically change the size of the time and date pickers to fill the cell when first opened.
  • Changed the books picker in the song editor metadata menu to show "No Books Found" when no books are available.
  • Changed the tips screen functionality into its own manager.
  • Changed Console to use a port number :5076 to allow running Console on both live and beta versions.
  • Changed how in-app purchases are determined.
  • Changed the set editor to dynamically change the size of the time and date pickers to fill the cell when first opened.
  • Changed the keyboard detection logic to only appear if a foot pedal was triggered.
  • Changed the color picker in settings to have a Done button which saves the color, closes the window, and redraws the app.
  • Changed the opacity of the live bar color to be keyed off the opacity of the livebar color to enable less opaque buttons.
  • Changed the disable menubar alert to show the "Disable" text as destructive.
  • Changed the Clear Timeline Events alert to show the "Continue" as red destructive text.
  • Changed the home indicator to be hidden on newer iOS devices to avoid interference with other user interface elements.
  • Changed the "Select All" and "Deselect All" options to use icons for other languages to avoid layout issues.


  • Updated all translations.
  • Updated to the latest version of AirTurn Framework v3.4.
  • Updated international import sources for consistency.


  • Fixed an issue on the OnSong Connect Profile screen where the last row is a random row.
  • Fixed an issue where adjust position actions are not being applied to PDF files.
  • Fixed an issue when using variable MIDI input where the user interface locks up as the MIDI is being streamed.
  • Fixed an issue with the keyboard repeatedly appearing when editing MIDI Globals.
  • Fixed an issue where the Autoscroll button is enabled with no duration set (Example database, Hard Days Night)
  • Fixed an issue where the “Remove” from set when swiping left isn’t working.
  • Fixed an issue where book sort order defaults to descending even when switched over.
  • Fixed an issue where ChordPro title is not being retrieved from the title tag.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting items from MIDI triggers is causes a crash.
  • Fixed an issue with audio when opening/closing starting OnSong like glitches and poor quality audio.
  • Fixed an issue where adding spaces between words in the editor doesn't update the preview.
  • Fixed an issue when switching off the preview widget when the external video menu is being displayed in vertical menu mode.
  • Fixed an issue where opening a browser window (e.g. buying a foot pedal) and closing it causes screen display issues.
  • Fixed an issue where MIDI globals cannot be deleted.
  • Fixed an issue where you can only type one character at a time in text-based settings.
  • Fixed an issue with the keyboard repeatedly appearing when editing MIDI Globals.
  • Fixed an issue where adjust position actions are not being applied to PDF files.
  • Fixed a crash condition when spinning the minute selector in the set editor and tapping elsewhere.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong key is being displayed when switching between the song list and style preferences menu.
  • Fixed a crash condition when adding a DMX light group.
  • Fixed an issue when sending MIDI with "on playback" delay.
  • Fixed an issue where chord position cannot be changed after being received from another user.
  • Fixed an issue with the size of the drawing bar in iOS 12 not accounting for the status bar.
  • Fixed an issue where annotations and messages screens do not update when changing into low light mode in vertical menu mode.
  • Fixed an issue with the size of the drawing bar in iOS 12 not accounting for safe areas on newer iPads.
  • Fixed a crash condition when deleting songs from sets on iOS 11 due to drag and drop issues in iOS.
  • Fixed an issue when changing settings, the vertical menu mode would automatically enter tacked mode even if not enabled.
  • Fixed a duplicate HUD entry for next song.
  • Fixed the sync process to not import .onsongsettings or .preferences files.
  • Fixed issues with OnSong Connect that would cause individual songs to be loaded instead of the set.
  • Fixed an issue where separate styles was not respected on clients in OnSong Connect.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Next Song" heads-up display would not show the next song when a client in OnSong Connect.
  • Fixed an issue where songs added to a set using quick pick would not be visible on OnSong Connect clients.
  • Fixed an issue where words in brackets on the same line as chords were being identified as chords and transposing or locking up the viewer.
  • Fixed a crash condition while deleting content from a set.
  • Fixed an issue when transposing mid-song and transposition is disabled, the comment shows but no transposition is applied.
  • Fixed an issue where the first time you tap on a song in the song list, the menu doesn't automatically hide with the first tap when set to do so.
  • Fixed an issue where quick pick songs are not appearing as the next song on connected devices.
  • Fixed an issue where the version of a song in a connected device would show the master song instead of the song in the set when separate styles is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue with adding spaces in front of a line in the OnSong and Console editor.
  • Fixed an issue when using OnSong Connect and you select a set, the master will reset to position 0 and the slave will be set at a different position.
  • Fixed an issue where the heads-up display would not show the next song in a book.
  • Fixed an issue importing plain text files where they would not be natively read.
  • Fixed an issue when importing ZIP files containing folders where folders are imported as blank songs.
  • Fixed inconsistencies with import options on new languages.
  • Fixed an issue when opening the quick pick from a navigation zone instead of the menubar, the keyboard disappears right away.
  • Fixed an issue when you set the blink speed to slow and do not have animate fade disabled it causes issues with blink.
  • Fixed an issue where the next song HUD shows "No Upcoming Song" after editing the song.
  • Fixed an issue when starting to delete a row in sets and then entering editing mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the actions menu would disappear after changing menubar settings in the screen tab.