Release Notes

OnSong 2020.4

In the last two weeks, much has changed in the world. We believe that music is an essential part of what makes us great. But with clubs, pubs, cruise ships, restaurants, churches shut down in the wake of this pandemic, we felt it was time to rise up and meet these challenges head-on. We've been working non-stop for two weeks to bring you new features to help you reach the masses through live-streaming.

OnSong 2020.4 was released on April 2, 2020. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • NEW Live Video lets you capture the front or back camera for lyrics projection background.
  • NEW Live Effects let you use green screen and effects to create live backgrounds.
  • NEW Broadcasting lets you go live in a moment with video conference platforms from the share menu.


  • Added the ability to adjust the alignment of chords above the specified placement in the chart. »
  • Added a new Rhythm section of the metronome audio settings for configuring down beats and standard beats. »
  • Added the ability to change how timing in sets are displayed to use the song or the cumulative set duration. »
  • Added the ability to double tap a widget to maximize when minimized. »
  • Added the ability when minimizing full screen widgets by double tapping to have it relocate to the center of the tap. »


  • Changed the aspect ratio of the lyrics preview widget to match the screen aspect ratio when not connected to an external monitor.
  • Changed lyrics projection to allow for semi-transparent colors to be used as background colors.
  • Changed the media opacity action verbs to increase and decrease.
  • Changed the Lyrics Projection > Slide actions to automatically scroll to the selected section when enabled in settings.
  • Changed the preview widgets to keep the configuration button opacity consistent.
  • Changed widget buttons to apply a blur effect to increase visibility.
  • Changed the color of the "Upgrade Now" button that appears in the feature overlay to black for better readability.
  • Changed the Text Tools Menu to remove the bold font from the bracketed and chords over lyrics rows.
  • Changed the way you configure the beats (down beat, etc) in the metronome audio settings.
  • Changed the size of the lyrics projection widget to only assume the aspect ratio of the external screen when using lyrics projection on that screen.
  • Changed the set list to account for default song durations when displaying song or cumulative durations.


  • Fixed an issue with calculating margins for lyrics projection widget when resizing.
  • Fixed an issue where the song information in lyrics projection would not change size with the lyrics preview widget.
  • Fixed the color contrast in the actions chooser when in low light mode.
  • Fixed an issue where newly added import sources are not retains in the list such as the document scanner.
  • Fixed an issue with using the correct aspect ratio in the lyrics projection widget after being connected to an external display.
  • Fixed an issue where tapping to minimize a maximized preview will not shrink the widget.
  • Fixed an issue where switching back to OnSong takes the lyrics preview out of full screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the duration of the free trial was not appearing when purchasing a membership.
  • Fixed an issue where the selected text color in settings is black when in low light mode.
  • Fixed an issue with scroll alignment when zoomed in and scrolling section by section.
  • Fixed an issue where the default app style is not applied to the Bluetooth MIDI screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the "None" metronome sound option still plays a quiet sound.
  • Fixed an issue when you pinch to zoom into a chart and then change the font size which prevents you from scrolling around to view the rest of the song.
  • Fixed an issue where if Google isn't signed in, the backup fails with repeated errors.
  • Fixed an issue where chord names are whited out in diagrams within lyrics when the highlight color is set to white.
  • Fixed an issue where musical instruction was being included in the maximum lines count without outputting the line.
  • Fixed an issue with how set duration was being calculated in the list of sets.