Release Notes

OnSong 2020.7.4

OnSong 2020.7.4 was released on January 14, 2021. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • Fixed an issue where when jump to page is used for scrolling up, you can't get to the top of the PDF document.
  • Fixed an issue where Spotify does not authenticate in OnSong Beta and causes a loop between OnSong and the Spotify app.
  • Fixed an issue where the Next Chord action does not process section chords.
  • Fixed an issue where the chord diagrams are rendered in ukulele.
  • Fixed an issue where the Console does not show section labels as bold.
  • Fixed an issue where tapping in the song viewer with a popover open causes the menubar to hide.
  • Fixed an issue when trying to import or restore files from external apps due to file permission changes in iOS/iPadOS 14.
  • Fixed an issue where Pages documents appear at an absolute size instead of filling the width of the screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the page down action on single page PDF files do not advance to the next page.
  • Fixed an issue where the live bar buttons are too small when importing a library that was set on a compact device.
  • Fixed an issue where asterisks no longer appear on the chord line due to changes to support ChordPro annotations.
  • Fixed an issue where linear autoscroll added as the first action in a timeline is causing timeline to turn off immediately.
  • Fixed an issue where changing duration in Console does not stick after the saving.
  • Fixed a crash condition when deleting song from a set.
  • Fixed a potential crash condition when playing backing tracks when the Music app is in an unstable state.