Release Notes

OnSong 2020.8

OnSong 2020.8 was released on October 18, 2021. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • Added the ability to view PDF file formats in low light mode. »
  • Added the ability to adjust how PDF files are viewed in low light mode. »
  • Added the ability to tint PDF files with tint modes and colors. »
  • Added the ability to choose low light mode on a per-song basis in iOS/iPadOS 14 and higher. »
  • Added the ability to automatically convert other file types to PDF for greater compatibility. »
  • Added the ability to view the number of loaned and deleted songs in System Information screen. »
  • Added the ability to tap and hold actions to copy the action URL in the Actions Menu. »
  • Added the ability to lowercase chords in different ways. »
  • Added the ability to remove additional articles from song titles when sorting in addition to "The". »
  • Added the ability to rotate the screen without refreshing the song viewer or stopping autoscroll.
  • Added the ability to see the version number on the start up screen.
  • Added the ability to access advanced formatting options in Essentials subscription tiers.
  • Added the ability to import from shared Google folders.
  • Added the ability to report an issue with an OCR web service issue.


  • Changed the document tab in style preferences to enable controls when viewing non-text-based files. »
  • Changed the document tab to move tint modes and low light mode to the top. »
  • Changed the name of the "Remove The" setting to "Remove Articles when Sorting". »
  • Changed the Getting Started screen to open the user manual on the website if an Internet connection is detected.
  • Changed the track source to be on another line below the artist when choosing a backing track.
  • Changed the Get Support screen to prompt if there is something already typed to save those changes before cancelling.
  • Changed the way Apple Pencil integration behaves to not revert to the pan tool if switching back to finger touches.
  • Changed the Console screen to use a context menu for copying the link or changing to IP address or host name.
  • Changed the live video feature to check that the camera is enabled and if not, prompt to open settings to enable the camera.
  • Changed the MIDI triggers screen to contain an arrow on the bottom to indicate the ability to select different channels.
  • Changed the menu iconography for actions that produce a menu to not be confused with a share action.
  • Changed the chord inspector to highlight diagrams using the app color.
  • Changed the chord diagram editor to add a maximum number of strings pertinent to the instrument.
  • Changed the chord diagram editor to use a more modern grid interface.
  • Changed the chord diagram editor to include context menus for editing chords.
  • Changed the chord diagram editor to remember the last selected tab.
  • Changed the metronome to generate loops faster and to store known loop configurations for near instant recall.
  • Changed the PCO integration to more intelligently choose what song file to import.
  • Changed the PCO integration to import an empty chart if there is no chord chart or files available.
  • Changed the way sets are imported to also look for duplicate songs by song identifier.
  • Changed the beam system so that single songs that are not loaned do not switch to the sets tab.
  • Changed the beam wireless sharing screen to be refreshed by pulling down instead of a refresh button in the toolbar.
  • Changed the Google Drive and Dropbox integration to differentiate shared folders and files.
  • Changed the Google Drive integration to display folders with a custom color.
  • Changed the ortho mode in drawing to disable each time the drawing bar is reopened.
  • Changed the print preview screen to show the printable document in the PDF viewer.
  • Changed the German translation of "As a single file" in output options.
  • Changed the name of OnSong Pro to OnSong 2020 for upcoming versions.


  • Updated to the latest AirTurn frameworks to correct compatibility issues.
  • Updated the Google Sign In SDK and updated to support the new API.
  • Updated the RevenueCat SDK and support the new API.
  • Updated all language translations.


  • Fixed an issue where the toolbar overlaps lyrics in the song viewer on iPhone devices.
  • Fixed an issue where the song will scroll to the top after an accidental swipe.
  • Fixed an issue where autoscroll triggers are called after manually scrolling and autoscroll restarts.
  • Fixed an issue where the song editor scroll size is incorrect due to issues in the keyboard caused by iPadOS 14.5 and the quick chord bar.
  • Fixed an issue where tapping to scroll and tapping to stop activates touch actions like navigation or menubar.
  • Fixed an issue where the song list will move when the menubar is automatically hidden and cut off the top of the menu.
  • Fixed an issue where touching on the screen to close the chord inspector causes it to move to the next song.
  • Fixed an issue where you can swipe up to hide the menubar when drawing, but then cannot show the menubar again without rebooting.
  • Fixed an issue where the sort icon was not updating when viewing a set.
  • Fixed an issue where the keyboard disappears when using the search function because the song viewer is redrawing before a song is selected.
  • Fixed an issue where songs are transferring between libraries when restoring from backup.
  • Fixed an issue with menubar icons appears too small on iPad mini running iPadOS 15.
  • Fixed an issue where tapping onto a set from All Sets and then tapping back out will display a folder instead of All Sets.
  • Fixed an issue where Applying Style to a set does not change the next song in the song viewer.
  • Fixed an issue where Scroll To Section is not moving the section into view when zoomed.
  • Fixed an issue where certain PDF files cause page scrolling to become unresponsive.
  • Fixed an issue where hiding lyrics also hides comments in the renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where section labels do not push text down when printed without lyrics to PDF.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple parenthesis surrounding chords appears as musical instruction.
  • Fixed an issue where changing chord highlights or toggling format on or off bounces you back to first song in book or set.
  • Fixed an issue where toggling off lyrics removes space between the section labels.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple parenthesis surrounding chords cause chord detection to fail.
  • Fixed an issue where missing PDF files would be processed by the file renderer instead.
  • Fixed an issue where if the path to a file is stored in a different text case as the actual file that the content will not be viewable in the song viewer.
  • Fixed an issue where switching to a song from an action when in a set causes the set to no longer be navigable.
  • Fixed an issue where PDF files with single pages were not aligning properly under the menubar.
  • Fixed an issue where some PDF files will not go to the next page.
  • Fixed an issue where key changes were not being applied to OnSong Connect/OnCue clients.
  • Fixed an issue where musical instructions were not being detected.
  • Fixed an issue where chorus indent was not being applied to the on-screen viewer.
  • Fixed an issue where no margins are being applied to RTF files when rendered or printed.
  • Fixed an issue where section highlights are not displayed when playing back timeline.
  • Fixed an issue where the set will not appear in the set list when importing sets from an OnSong archive unless you reenter the set list.
  • Fixed an issue where importing a song that was previously imported but loaned will not retain the song in the user's library.
  • Fixed an issue where adding images to background media library doesn't work.
  • Fixed an issue where importing files containing accented characters in the Roman MacOS encoding are displayed improperly.
  • Fixed an issue where OnSong Archive file formats are not updating.
  • Fixed an issue where exporting PDF files with the OnSong file format receive the .onsong extension.
  • Fixed an issue where dashes with spaces are compressed into no space when using lyrics projection.
  • Fixed an issue where low light mode is not applying only to stage monitor mode when configured to do so.
  • Fixed an issue where using stage monitor mode in landscape and iPad in portrait and scrolling by section where the external monitor doesn’t scroll to the selected section.
  • Fixed an issue where switching from lyrics projection to stage monitor, it will bounce the song and not show the current scroll location.
  • Fixed an issue where the lyrics projection preview screen is misaligned.
  • Fixed an issue where style preferences in books and saving from Console causing some information to revert.
  • Fixed an issue where Console does not render symbol replacements when enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the web browser freezes when switching to a PDF file in Console.
  • Fixed an issue where swiping between songs causes MIDI program changes to not be sent.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the MIDI to be sent in a MIDI trigger send MIDI action cannot be changed.
  • Fixed an issue where the MIDI Clock may not fully enable when configured to do so.
  • Fixed an issue where MIDI program changes with MSB/LSB are not received properly over a MIDI network session.
  • Fixed an issue where playing back chords in the chord inspector would not send notes on the proper MIDI channel.
  • Fixed an issue where MIDI program changes were not being sent for PDF documents that had viewports set without sections.
  • Fixed an issue where MIDI triggers are not saving or updating when the action is changed.
  • Fixed an issue where the chord inspector shows a Csus2 chord as C2 instead of as written.
  • Fixed an issue where the duration is not setting properly.
  • Fixed an issue where drawing tools make a new layer for every stroke instead of changes in brush size and color.
  • Fixed an issue where the metronome sometimes puts out an extra beat after stopping after a few measures.
  • Fixed an issue where a previous audio file would play even if one was not linked to a song.
  • Fixed an issue when assigning an Apple Music track where it will play the song that was previously playing in Apple Music.
  • Fixed an issue when assigning an Apple Music track where it will play the song that was previously playing in Apple Music.
  • Fixed an issue where PCO plans that have no title are not displaying the date in the navigation bar.
  • Fixed an issue where OnSong will prompt for a new account or sign in when connected to a router not connected to the Internet.
  • Fixed an issue where users could be signed out if the OnSong authentication service does not return an excepted result.
  • Fixed an issue where transposed SongSelect files are removed improperly after a library cleanup.
  • Fixed an issue where the network activity indicator would get stuck on if an HTTP request was cancelled.
  • Fixed an issue where song previews in the app will reload if you swipe down to partially close the model screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the SongSelect preview screen will display a "Generating Preview" label if swiped but not closed.
  • Fixed an issue with how SongSelect previews are not displaying title, artist, etc. properly.
  • Fixed an issue where some text is not displaying localized versions when viewed under non-English languages.
  • Fixed an issue where iOS 15 devices are not showing up under the Beam menu due to the advertiser not being retained.
  • Fixed an issue when using an iPad Pro with an external keyboard where the quick chord bar, conversion toolbar and arrow keys are misaligned.
  • Fixed a performance issue when saving changes in the song editor.
  • Fixed a performance issue when using the duration slider to set duration in the audio playback menu.
  • Fixed a crash condition when browsing specific sets.
  • Fixed a crash condition when setting a share URL to the pasteboard.
  • Fixed a crash condition that is caused when improperly retrieving a scroll duration key.
  • Fixed a crash condition caused by a run in setting collection indexes on some libraries.
  • Fixed a crash condition when attempting to submit diagnostics multiple times.
  • Fixed a crash condition caused by memory limits when exporting a large number of songs in a text-based format.
  • Fixed a crash condition when printing under iOS/iPadOS 15.
  • Fixed a crash condition when using MIDI input to add commands to the MIDI Events list.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition when assigning an action to a MIDI event.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition if the frame of an annotation is set to an invalid value.


  • Removed the Reconnect Pedals option from the tools menu.