Release Notes

OnSong 2020.8.3

OnSong 2020.8.3 was released on November 19, 2021. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • Changed the song viewer to adjust the tint of the desk color.
  • Changed the document tab to be completely disabled if PDF file conversion and/or low light is disabled.


  • Fixed an issue where the current song in the song viewer changes after editing.
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect initial song is loaded on the iPad when Lead in Console is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the mode does not change in style preferences when low light mode is toggled.
  • Fixed an issue where content is rendered blurry due to scaling with specific vertical menubar mode sizing.
  • Fixed an issue where the viewport position is not retained when scaled.
  • Fixed an issue where Follow would not become enabled in Console.
  • Fixed an issue where the heads-up display elements overlap when vertical menubar is used in portrait orientation with wide song menu enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the drawing tool creates superfluous layers when the brush, color or size is changed.
  • Fixed an issue where backing track playback stops when screen touched during autoscroll when stopped triggered event is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the heads-up display title is not being updated after using Quick Pick.
  • Fixed an issue where pulling down on the support screen but not closing it clears email address and name.
  • Fixed an issue where colors are not named properly in the drawing layers menu.
  • Fixed an issue where a clear pen with no width appears as the default brush in the drawing layers menu.
  • Fixed an issue where PDF documents scale too small when rotating the device and using a maximum scale of 100%.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Mode" does not change in style preferences when low light mode is toggled.
  • Fixed an issue with the song editor reverting to previously typed text when it shouldn't.
  • Fixed an issue where importing from fails due to URL handling.
  • Fixed an issue where musical instructions containing chord brackets and optional chords in parenthesis do not show as music instructions.
  • Fixed an issue where the last viewed time was not being updated.
  • Fixed an issue when spacing chord inline with separator characters due to chord padding.
  • Fixed an issue where turning from vertical to horizontal while in drawing mode erases everything on devices that are re-rendering the text-based document.
  • Fixed a crash condition when trying to import from planning center.