Release Notes

OnSong 2020.8.4

OnSong 2020.8.4 was released on January 5, 2022. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • Added the ability to disable making friendly song titles out of filenames when importing files.


  • Changed the import process to prevent changes in selection when a download is happening.
  • Changed the color of the MIDI Song Select flash display from red to gray.
  • Changed the cleanup library tool to also remove related files such as cached low light versions.
  • Changed the position of the arrow keys in the editor to the other side when using right to left languages like Hebrew.


  • Fixed an issue where the title of the timeline event editor shows blank when editing a multiple action.
  • Fixed an issue where opening settings when viewing a set will display the list of sets in the songs menu set tab.
  • Fixed an issue where MIDI Song Select events cannot be used as MIDI triggers.
  • Fixed an issue where changing imported files will not update the content due to colorized caching.
  • Fixed an issue where generating a PDF hangs on certain file types that are needing to be converted to PDF files.
  • Fixed an issue where edits made to the content of the song when in set does not take effect in the set.
  • Fixed an issue where users are prompted to sign in after upgrading iOS/iPadOS versions.
  • Fixed an issue where screen triggers stop autoscroll and conflict with changes to autoscroll speed.
  • Fixed an issue where long timelines can not fire at specific times due to executing long-running events.
  • Fixed an issue where making edits that contain annotations cause changes to not be retained.
  • Fixed an issue where sticky notes are not retained when shutting down the app.
  • Fixed an issue where you can't transpose the song if the key is set to nothing in song editor.
  • Fixed an issue where PDF files with custom tint color that are flipped.
  • Fixed an issue transposing chords imported from notes app due to object replacement character.
  • Fixed an issue where chords designating major 7 with "ma" instead of "maj" are not detected.
  • Fixed an issue when drawing where tapping on the right side navigates to the next song but does not exit drawing mode and does not save the changes when automatic stylus switching is disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where a colon at the end of a lyrics/chord line is causing text to not appear.
  • Fixed an issue where swiping to the next song does not automatically stop autoscroll.
  • Fixed an issue where importing text files with the same name and updating is not updating the song.
  • Fixed an issue where the language of the app is being reset due to language settings stored in the backup file.
  • Fixed an issue where timeline would not save changes due to an issue in timing of saving changes to the song.
  • Fixed an issue where if an intro progression has chords at the end but they can't be found, that the size of the intro is reduced and causes overlap.
  • Fixed an issue where the PDF generator omits chords when they are inline and a diagram is not available.
  • Fixed an issue where the format menu in the editor preview widget doesn't effect the preview.
  • Fixed an issue where the line spacing menu slider is too small when viewed in a right to left language like Arabic.
  • Fixed an issue where the phrase "Single Press" does not appear translated in Chinese, perhaps other languages.
  • Fixed an issue when viewing a non-existent set after restoring a library where picking songs is non-responsive because no set is present.
  • Fixed an issue where PDF annotations are not visible when rendered in low light or tint colors.
  • Fixed an issue where chord tagging doesn't work correctly when using chords inline.
  • Fixed an issue where messaging is missing from the actions menu in the free OnSong app.
  • Fixed a crash condition caused by accessing notes when called out of process.
  • Fixed a crash condition in the MIDI Triggers screen when completely an edit where nothing is changed.
  • Fixed a potential crash condition when comparing song items.
  • Fixed a potential crash condition caused by song indexing performing on a background thread when other user interface elements are being refreshed.
  • Fixed a potential crash condition when removing related files during a cleanup.
  • Fixed a potential crash condition when importing a library causes an index change that triggers a change in the playback menu.
  • Fixed a potential crash condition when editing a moment.
  • Fixed a potential crash condition when trying to change a book due to notification removal during deallocation.
  • Fixed a potential crash condition when attempting to deactivate an audio session.
  • Fixed a potential crash condition when executing a library cleanup.