Release Notes

OnSong 2020.9.1

OnSong 2020.9.1 was released on December 8, 2022. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • Fixed an issue with changing keys of SongSelect v2 songs showing incorrect version.
  • Fixed an issue where viewing bass-only split chords in fixed do solfege removes the last character.
  • Fixed an issue when changing from SongSelect v1 to v2 that it doesn’t go back to the add songs menu to force a reload.
  • Fixed an issue where the chord inspector jumps to top left corner of screen when you switch instruments.
  • Fixed an issue where transposing SongSelect songs downloaded from another content provider would not function.
  • Fixed an issue scrolling to the top of a PDF file on certain iPads due to iPadOS 16 PDF viewer change.