Release Notes

OnSong 2022.2

OnSong 2022.2 was released on April 9, 2022. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • Added the ability to rename attachment files to resolve issues where one may have used the same file name for multiple files and do not want all of those attachments updated.
  • Added support for Big Sur for the Mac version.


  • Changed PraiseCharts available arrangements to show the available keys under each product.
  • Changed the way files are imported so that if multiple attachments match one file name, all the attachments will be updated.
  • Changed SongSelect integration to skip the about screen.
  • Changed the launch screen to remove the duplicate year version information.


  • Fixed an issue where the Get Support screen fields do not get cleared after sending support.
  • Fixed an issue where text files that have an associated imported text file are not beaming text content to OnSong 2022 from OnSong 2020.
  • Fixed an issue where the moments and pick songs buttons are not visible in the set menu.
  • Fixed an issue when receiving a beamed set where the songs menu doesn't switch to the set list.
  • Fixed an issue where ChordPro formatting tags get added to header if ChordPro compatibility processing is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where text-based attachments are not being updated when importing.
  • Fixed an issue loading the SongSelect integration.
  • Fixed an issue where accidentally closing the get support screen would not save your current text.
  • Fixed an issue where the toolbar does not appear on certain screens due to a change in the iOS/iPadOS 15 SDK.
  • Fixed an issue where a sticky note doesn't appear in beamed sets.
  • Fixed an issue where you could import songs into the Mac version using the Add To OnSong extension after the app was launched.
  • Fixed an issue where automatic backup would not work with the default settings because the local directory is not set on the Mac version.