Release Notes

OnSong 2022.4

OnSong 2022.4 was released on June 29, 2022. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • Added the ability to replace Apple Music tracks when added to the OnSong Audio Library as media.


  • Changed the way text attachment content is loaded to be more resilient.
  • Changed the beta version to allow access to the Get Support screen.
  • Changed the names of AirTurn pedals to remove the BT200 nomenclature where both products can be configured on the same screen.


  • Updated all translations.


  • Fixed an issue where ChordPro files are processing and titles on the first lines are being pushed under ChordPro instead of being converted.
  • Fixed an issue where the console is not enabling because the Bonjour URL is not resolving.
  • Fixed an issue where prefixed ChordPro tags are not setting song properties or showing in the metadata editor.
  • Fixed an issue where the metronome does not trigger right away after setting BPM.
  • Fixed an issue where dragging chord sizes causes a long delay in changing sizes again.
  • Fixed an issue uploading diagnostics due to a permissions issue.
  • Fixed an issue when importing PraiseCharts PDF where the original key is set instead of the key selected.
  • Fixed an issue where the document tint color could not be serialized to separate styles.
  • Fixed an issue where line formatting styles where being processed as ChordPro.
  • Fixed an issue where annotations disappear and reappear when switching between text and PDF attachments.
  • Fixed an issue where black pen is being converted to white pen and not displaying correction when low light mode is action on PDF files.
  • Fixed an issue where songs were not sorting correctly after restoring a library.
  • Fixed an issue when selecting a set in the drawer, it is not remaining selected when the drawer is revealed again.
  • Fixed an issue where the configure button will not switch when dark mode is enabled while viewing the pedal action screen.
  • Fixed an issue where Apple Music tracks imported into the OnSong Media Library will not playback on a Mac due to permissions.
  • Fixed an issue where the initial rendering of a clip that is scaled shows as full size.
  • Fixed an issue where the restore library menu option does not function on the Mac.
  • Fixed an issue where importing Apple Music tracks into the OnSong Audio Library does not function on a Mac.
  • Fixed an issue where the status bar overlaps the menubar in iPadOS 16 sometimes.
  • Fixed an issue where annotations may not display and then be removed.
  • Fixed a crash condition when tapping once to tap for tempo in the Playback menu.
  • Fixed a crash condition when opening Console due to a threading issue.