Release Notes

OnSong 2023.0

Spring has sprung and with it, a new update to OnSong released on April 30, 2023. This release adds new features while vastly improving existing ones.


Lets you import audio backing tracks you can mix and play with a click and cue.
This has been completely rewritten to be easier to use with more features including inline editing.
MultiTracks for Worship
Gives you the option import affordable MultiTracks you've purchased.
PraiseCharts MultiTracks
Lets you now import and play MultiTrack content too.
Support Uploads
You can now upload files, take pictures, or record your screen to receive help.
Text Annotations
Type anywhere on the digital page and format and place.
Video Backing Tracks
Link video files to use just like backing tracks for timed motion backgrounds or lyric videos.
This as been given its own tab to support multiple named viewports you can switch between.
Now you can choose from widgets to place on the screen to view chord diagrams or navigate pages and sections of your song.


  • Changed the switch account screen to show expiration dates with faded text. »
  • Changed the sign up checkout screen to always show the OnSong 2020 message without attempting to find previously installed versions. »
  • Changed the way support appears in the Account screen to show the level on the left and expiration on the right. »
  • Changed the overlay to show different text if the user is a member of a group so they they connect to the Internet or contact their group administrator.
  • Fixed a crash condition when using the app offline and being prompted to reestablish Internet for when the renewal process occurs.


  • Added the ability to visualize that the annotation is selected by dimming everything under the annotation. »
  • Added the ability to pin an annotation so it appears on the desk and saved with the set, book, or the desk globally. »
  • Added the ability to view instructions for how to interact with annotations using gestures. »
  • Added the ability to set text alignment on text-based annotations. »
  • Added the ability to edit text-based annotations inline. »
  • Added the ability to generate a QR code as a clip. »
  • Added the ability to bold and italicize text in annotations. »
  • Added the ability to set default font name, size, bold, and italic for text-based annotations. »
  • Added the ability to add annotations to an annotations library. »
  • Added the ability to place annotations on a page from the annotations library. »
  • Added the ability to set default rotation of annotations in the settings screens. »
  • Added the ability to configure default clips, sticky notes, and text annotations in settings. »
  • Changed annotations to have easy one finger or two finger interactions. »
  • Changed annotations to use long press or right-click to display a context menu instead of corner icons. »
  • Changed the sticky note editor to use the term Font Family instead of Note Font. »
  • Changed annotations to remove underlying clip images when deleted if they are not being used by other annotations or in the annotation library.
  • Changed the cleanup library process to review all clips in the library and delete any resources that are not used.
  • Changed the annotations editors to automatically save if used for the first time without prompting.
  • Changed the sticky note editor to become the first responder when opened as a blank note.
  • Changed the prompt when assigning actions to annotation to reappear for the new version with updated instructions.
  • Changed the sticky note annotation to dynamically change the font size to fit text while typing.
  • Changed the actions assignments in the annotations editors to appear to the left of the editor.
  • Changed the words and icons in the actions assignments for annotations to use "click" when running macOS.
  • Changed the minimum/maximum rotation range of annotations to 90º.
  • Fixed an issue where annotations would not appear when transferred in an archive file format.
  • Fixed an issue where annotations are doubled when converting a text file to PDF files.
  • Fixed an issue where annotations with scale applied were not being sized correctly due to issues resolved with rotation and scale.
  • Fixed an issue where annotations are not instantiated from the default library.
  • Fixed an issue where annotations are not displayed immediately on client devices when using Connect.
  • Fixed an issue where annotations disappear from the device when displayed in stage monitor mode.
  • Fixed an issue where default shadow settings on sticky notes was incorrect.
  • Fixed an issue where clips without shadows are show shadows when transferred in an archive file format.
  • Fixed an issue scaling the font size down for sticky notes with a lot of text the results in text scrolling or being cut off.
  • Fixed an issue where closing an annotation editor by tapping off the screen or swiping down would not save changes.
  • Removed the Set Viewport and Reset Viewport buttons from the annotations menu.


  • Fixed an issue where changes to the text attachment may not be saved or rendered.


  • Added the ability to preview backing tracks in OnSong Media Library before adding to your song. »
  • Added the ability to play MIDI and audio tracks at the same time by creating a multitrack.
  • Changed the audio editor and mixer controls to fade out when closing the screen while previewing.
  • Fixed an issue where missing backing tracks just say "missing" and not where they are from.
  • Fixed an issue where Apple Music playback of tracks with crossfade was not functioning if the track volume is set to zero.
  • Fixed an issue where track information text fields are too small for the given width of the screen.
  • Fixed an issue where if you remove a track from the custom track menu while playing the track, tapping to stop the track will not stop it but open the menu.
  • Fixed an issue where controlling the device volume was not properly acquiring the device volume.
  • Fixed an issue where the help button overlaps the close button when the title is so long.
  • Fixed an issue where toggling audio to play under certain circumstances does not work.


  • Added the ability to choose the media types to include in a backup file in the backup screen. »
  • Added the ability to skip the backup when purging a library.
  • Changed the backup process to prevent multitracks from being backed up by default.
  • Fixed an issue where if you restore a library that pops up a screen, the library restoration progress overlay will not be removed.


  • Fixed an issue where the chord diagram position cannot be changed due to a recent change.
  • Fixed an issue where some preferred chord diagrams not showing in PDF export.


  • Changed how the name of the OnSong device is determined and prompted.
  • Fixed an issue where if you delete the OnSong Connect profile name that it does not revert to the account name.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition when adding routes to OnSong Connect that are attempting to cache on a weak reference.


  • Fixed an issue where the Console renderer was outputting the CCLI license number for non-CCLI songs.
  • Fixed an issue where the Console would not load due to changes for the CCLI footer.
  • Fixed an issue where reordering sets in Console jumbles the order because the set is not saving and refreshing the data.


  • Fixed an issue where drawings do not maintain positions when switching orientations.
  • Fixed an issue where drawings shift when converting to PDF for printing.
  • Fixed an issue where drawings are not scaled when switching between Split View multitasking modes.
  • Fixed an issue where drawing with a black pen color won't work in low light mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the drawing bar is not appearing resulting in there being no way to exit drawing editor on iPhone.


  • Fixed an issue where removing an empty artist tag from the ChordPro song content keeps putting it back.


  • Changed how the mode buttons work in the External Video menu on macOS to toggle windows on and off when needed. »
  • Fixed an issue where the stage monitor mode background appears in the lyrics projection window in the Mac version.
  • Fixed an issue where stage monitor mode could become blank when switching between different renders in 1-up mode for certain file types.
  • Removed lyrics window button from external monitor screen for Mac version since that is now handled with the mode buttons or menu.


  • Added the ability to configure a Boss FS-1-WL foot pedal. »


  • Added the ability to check if there is enough storage on the device to save downloaded files and prompt if not.
  • Added the ability to import a set as an OnSong archive and automatically switch to that set.
  • Changed the prompt for duplicate files to appear after ZIP files are downloaded and evaluated.
  • Fixed an issue where you can't sign into PraiseCharts from within the import screen in the Audio Media Library.
  • Fixed an issue where song sets won’t import when emailed as an OnSong archive.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition when generating a friendly filename of zero length.
  • Fixed an issue where no lyrics are imported from MP3 file with an ID3 tag.


  • Added the ability to change the default flash text and background color in settings. »
  • Added the ability to see the number of sets being displayed in the set list menu. »
  • Added a What's New screen that shows up when you first open OnSong and can be dismissed.
  • Changed the order of options in the share menu to be more alphabetic and order of use. »
  • Changed the name of Social in the Share menu to Other. »
  • Changed the color picker to change the background checkerboard graphic automatically for low light mode.
  • Changed the color picker to include a checkmark to better indicate selections.
  • Changed the position of the action settings icon in the multiple action chooser interface.
  • Changed the way the app transitions to low light mode to work around deprecated methods in iOS/iPadOS 16 and higher.
  • Fixed an issue where scrolling by page does not account for content inset when scrolling down a PDF file.
  • Fixed an issue where creating a new set from favorites menu takes you to set and navigates away from designated song.
  • Fixed an issue where you can't select a template song or create a new one.
  • Fixed an issue where you can't select the metadata section.
  • Fixed an issue where the copy option in social share is not creating a link or enough content.
  • Fixed an issue where in the Get Support screen when some user interface elements would moved into various rows.
  • Fixed an issue where All Sets within Folders only displays active sets.
  • Fixed an issue where duplicating songs in sets also duplicates the song in the library.
  • Fixed an issue where yearly reports do not get listed in song reporting.
  • Fixed an issue where swiping through PDF files causes a scroll bounce because of how the section "0" is being handled.
  • Fixed an issue where navigating to the default viewport is causing the song viewer to become too small.
  • Fixed an issue where viewport navigation is bouncing and not going to the correct place.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition serializing settings that included a NaN created by the beta video player.


  • Added the ability to see the number of items in the media library and how much space in bytes they are consuming. »
  • Added the ability to view data usage and manage storage in the background media library. »
  • Added the ability to sort media in media library editors. »
  • Changed the background media picker to no longer be a tabbed interface but to use alternate import methods for OnSong motion backgrounds, photo library, and web browser. »
  • Changed the background media library to use a single add button at the bottom. »
  • Changed the background media library to use modal dialogs instead of popover menus for details and export. »


  • Fixed an issue where MIDI triggers were being deleted incorrectly without prompting.
  • Fixed an issue where the MIDI Settings screen was visible when MIDI was not accessible.


  • Changed the PraiseCharts download process to better handle embedded ZIP files.
  • Changed the PraiseCharts product detail page to disable selection while downloading and importing.
  • Fixed an issue where PraiseCharts backing tracks are acquiring a tempo from the click track even though there's tempo information in the media.


  • Added the ability to stop all sequences and zero all DMX-512 channels with a panic button in scenes. »
  • Changed the order of fields in the edit fixture screen to prevent users from changing fixture details and instead focus on placement of the fixture. »
  • Changed the scene playback mode so that it will only play the scene and require tapping a detail button to edit. »
  • Changed the scenes screens to be modal to avoid accidental closure.
  • Fixed an issue where a switch box shows up in the description field in edit sequence.
  • Fixed an issue where color is null on sequences that have no color.
  • Fixed an issue where traits were not getting saved into a scene from the lighting console.
  • Fixed an issue where dynamic sequences receive duplicate names that only rely on named color.


  • Added the ability to search for sections of settings such as clip or sticky notes. »
  • Changed the About screen in settings to show the version number next to System Information. »
  • Changed the Scroll to Selected Section to be enabled by default. »
  • Fixed an issue where slider loupes do not appear in the settings screens.
  • Fixed an issue where if you remove all the articles from the Articles to Remove setting it defaults to "The" even though it's blank.
  • Fixed an issue where user defined key shortcuts are being overridden by system shortcuts.
  • Fixed an issue where some phrases were not translated in the Settings menu.
  • Fixed an issue where line spacing for imported songs is 1.0 instead of what is set in the settings.
  • Removed the version entry from the About settings screen.


  • Fixed an issue where the SongSelect Integration is using the CCLI account number instead of the CCLI license number.
  • Fixed an issue where the SongSelect ChordPro direction tag was not supported.
  • Fixed a crash condition when importing from SongSelect due to a missing isAuthorized property.


  • Changed the icons in the tab bar in the style preferences menu. »
  • Fixed an issue where transposition was not available for text-based charts when offline.


  • Added the ability to automatically add the contact into the users contacts list. »
  • Added the ability to add photos and videos from the user's Photos library in the get support screen. »
  • Added the ability to record the screen as a video and upload for diagnostics. »
  • Added the ability to upload files in Get Support screen. »
  • Changed the Get Support screen to prompt to attach a screen recording or other files to help resolve the issue. »
  • Changed the subject text field in the Get Support screen to have a maximum of 150 characters. »
  • Changed the Get Support screen to be modal and not close when tapping outside of the screen.


  • Added the ability to dock widgets using a context menu button. »
  • Added the ability to toggle widgets on and off in the Widgets tab of the Additions menu. »


  • Added the ability to manage viewports in the Viewports tab in the Additions menu. »
  • Added the ability to rename viewports with a context menu. »
  • Added the ability to select a primary viewport from a list of saved viewports. »
  • Added the ability to mark a viewport primary and visualize which viewport is the primary. »
  • Added the ability to show the selected viewport in the viewports menu list. »
  • Added the ability to navigate viewport actions with default, current, next, previous, switch, etc. »
  • Added the ability to switch to saved viewports using CMD+SHIFT+num (1-9).
  • Added the ability to go to the default viewport using a key command of CMD+OPT+0.
  • Added the ability to go to move through numbered viewports with the key command of CMD+OPT+1 through CMD+OPT+9.
  • Added the ability to go to next/previous saved viewports using the CMD+SHIFT+] or CMD+SHIFT+[
  • Changed the add viewport user interface language to a "+" toolbar button instead.
  • Changed viewports to switch more fluidly without the bounce.


  • Fixed a crash condition when trying to create an addition data property which causes an infinite loop.