Release Notes

OnSong 2023.3

OnSong 2023.3 was released on July 21, 2023. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • Added a link to an app privacy policy when setting up an account. »
  • Added the ability to view the user manual and product details on certain lighting fixtures.


  • Changed the language on the create account screen to be less account-focused. »
  • Changed the create account screen to make the account creation process options by tapping on a link under the email entry form. »
  • Changed the account editor to not require password to make edits when a password had not been set ».
  • Changed the diagnostics screen to retain user name and email if not previously provided. »
  • Changed the key chooser to show the key that the song was written in if an original key isn't defined. »
  • Changed the import process to allow imported songs to automatically be added to the current set.


  • Updated translations for feature overlays.


  • Fixed an issue where viewing sets in a folder causes Active Sets to only show sets in that folder.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong track is played when switching between sets.
  • Fixed an issue where identical terms are used for two different actions in French.
  • Fixed an issue where the menu is too narrow when setting an action on an annotation while in portrait mode shows a narrow menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong backing track plays when switching between all songs and sets.
  • Fixed an issue where song volume is setting the device volume to zero which effects metronome, etc.
  • Fixed an issue where PDF text could be selected due to how the PDF view handles interactions in newer versions of iOS/iPadOS 16.
  • Fixed an issue where menus would appear in the PDF view on newer versions of iOS/iPadOS 16 due to internal changes to the PDF view.
  • Fixed an issue where text annotations do not layout correctly on some PDF documents due to how the PDF view draws the content.
  • Fixed an issue where Connect skips songs in some configurations.
  • Fixed an issue where drawings are scaled incorrectly in PDF documents.
  • Fixed an issue where the import quantity doesn't update when signing in.
  • Fixed an issue where importing OnSong Archive files into the app via another app would prompt for update/duplicate/skip without evaluating the content of the archive.