Release Notes

OnSong 2023.5

OnSong 2023.5 was released on November 1, 2023. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • Added the ability to use web cam video inputs in live video when compiled under iOS 17.
  • Added the ability to snapshot settings and recall those changes perhaps with an action.
  • Added the ability to export certain subsets of settings.
  • Added the ability to join a group through an enrollment code in the account switcher.
  • Added the ability to restart media using a restart action.
  • Added the ability to scrub a specific point in background media.
  • Added the ability to switch viewports using an action.
  • Added the ability to adjust which viewport is active using a variable action.
  • Added the ability to view developer documentation from the Broadcast MIDI screen.
  • Added the ability to join an account using a URL scheme.
  • Added the ability to fit the full page height of a PDF when using A4 sizes.
  • Added the ability to playback MIDI files to multiple endpoints on a per-track basis.
  • Added the ability to search for filters in the video effects menu in live video.
  • Added the ability to pull up song reports on when songs where edited.
  • Added the ability to see where you tap using the touch manager for tutorials.


  • Changed the MIDI sources and destinations to give Bluetooth devices a better name with Bluetooth Connection as the description.
  • Changed the MIDI sources and destinations to appear with an icon.
  • Changed the MIDI sources and destinations so that network sessions will indicate if they are offline.
  • Changed the Navigation > Viewport > Current action to Navigation > Viewport > Primary.
  • Changed the transposed key to revert back to the previous key if an attachment cannot be found or downloaded.
  • Changed how frequently the app is calling out for account and role information to avoid hitting the server all at once.
  • Changed the app color setting so that if it's opacity is too low, to change to opaque.


  • Updated to build under iOS/iPadOS 17.
  • Updated translations.


  • Fixed an issue where assigned Apple Music tracks are not being remembered in iOS 17.
  • Fixed an issue where searching in SongSelect for more than word returns no results due to changes in iOS/iPadOS 17 URL handling.
  • Fixed an issue where buttons appearing in action sheets is unreadable when in dark mode due to an iOS 17 rendering issue.
  • Fixed an issue where the Import Files screen opened from the custom track picker would have PraiseCharts and MultiTracks for Worship enabled when the Internet was not reachable.
  • Fixed an issue where triggers were not matched when setting MIDI triggers on all channels.
  • Fixed an issue where lyrics projection is not reflecting currently opened song.
  • Fixed an issue where you can't import all 30 songs due to deleted songs being included in the count.
  • Fixed an issue where temporary title when importing from other apps is not working.
  • Fixed an issue where Broadcast MIDI is sending erroneous SysEx that causes issues with some MIDI equipment.
  • Fixed an issue where the device volume is set to 100% when loading a Spotify track to be played.
  • Fixed an issue where importing a song when picking a set causes the song to be added to the set multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue where you cannot select a song after adding to set.
  • Fixed an issue where the features overlay is not properly aligned when picking songs in a set.
  • Fixed an issue where you can't switch to a viewport in actions.
  • Fixed an issue where inverting a variable action value is not respected in MIDI.
  • Fixed an issue where audio media items are being removed when OnSong is closed.
  • Fixed an issue where importing text files with multiple songs separated by multiple hyphens is not working.
  • Fixed an issue where key is indeterminant when using sharp and flat characters causing transposition to fail.
  • Fixed an issue where using the switch accounts screen to choose another account does not work after joining an account with open enrollment.
  • Fixed an issue where selected sections don’t position correctly during timeline playback.
  • Fixed an issue when duplicating songs where the attachments are not duplicated and instead allow edits to one song to be reflected in the other.
  • Fixed an issue when there are not attachments for a song, but the underlying attachment store is still present but not appearing.
  • Fixed an issue where if a song had been duplicated and pointing to the same attachment belonging to another song, we create a copy of the attachment.
  • Fixed an issue where users cannot link to Dropbox when using Apple ID.
  • Fixed an issue where you cannot advance to the next song when using a page PDF files and a foot pedal.
  • Fixed an issue where scrolling PDF files caused by changes in the scroll view and songs with multiple page sizes or orientations.
  • Fixed an issue where the AirTurn S6 Analog video does not play.
  • Fixed an issue where AirTurn manual links are missing on the website.
  • Fixed an issue where downloading SongSelect lyrics is overwriting the chord chart version.
  • Fixed an issue where tapping outside of the mail composition screen causes the email to be lost.
  • Fixed an issue where you can't select sections when lyrics projection is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where scrolling jumps up and down in stage monitor mode with one line sections.
  • Fixed an issue where identical terms for two action options are used in the the French translation.
  • Fixed an issue where searching parameters in foreign languages does not search the translated text.
  • Fixed an issue where text is not visible in the photo library window in dark mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the Welcome to OnSong was being counted as an imported song and counting against the free song quota.
  • Fixed an issue where sets would seem to not be created when choosing New Set in the Add To option.
  • Fixed an issue where the organizer menu icon does not update sometimes when changing icons in the song list.
  • Fixed an issue where the ChordPro processor is causing problems with section declarations and spacing.
  • Fixed an issue where you can't change playback audio behavior on an iPhone.
  • Fixed an issue where words are truncated in the new feature screen on iPhone when the font size is adjusted to be smaller in accessibility options.
  • Fixed an issue where the song icon is not being displayed or modified properly in books with separate styles.
  • Fixed a crash condition when adding attachments due to checking for Internet requirement on alternates.
  • Fixed a crash condition caused by processing a PDF file where the selection is not extended for section navigation.
  • Fixed a crash condition when deleting a snapshot.
  • Fixed a crash condition when editing sticky notes in iOS/iPadOS 15.
  • Fixed a crash condition when exporting as OnSong Archive as a ZIP file containing a set name with path characters.
  • Fixed a crash condition when attempting to render due to performance on undetermined deserialized values in the object.
  • Fixed a crash condition when opening a device and creating a player for an Apple Music track is failing.
  • Fixed a crash condition when backing up in the background with WiFi disabled.
  • Fixed a possible a crash condition when switching from OnSong to other apps.