Release Notes

OnSong 2024.0

OnSong 2024.0 was released on June 10, 2024. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • OnSong Cloud brings new services to your OnSong account like automatic cloud backup and OnSong Drive for transferring files.
  • Unified Share Menu makes it easier than ever to share with your band by taking the guess work out of file formats, delivery, and scheduling.
  • Unified Rendering Engine called "R2" gives you more formatting options including columns, vertical diagrams, and consistent viewing and printing across platforms.
  • Inline Formatting lets you make formatting changes to individual words and phrases including links, font changes, and more.
  • Advanced Text Formatting lets you make changes to sections and aspects of all your songs, or make the changes song-specific.
  • Energy Management settings now allow you to dim the screen after a period of non-use to reduce battery usage.
  • Clock and Timer Widgets for showing the time or countdowns for songs or sets.
  • Planning Center Integration has been reimagined to be easier to use.
  • Single Sign-on lets you sign into OnSong, Apple ID, Google, our PraiseCharts account.
  • Right-To-Left Language Support for Arabic and Hebrew in the new renderer.


  • Added the ability to set default settings and override them for specific songs.
  • Added the ability to set formatting on specific sections.
  • Added the ability to annotate ChordPro chords with an asterisk to avoid transposition and output the note as-is.
  • Added the ability to align chord diagrams on the left and right of the chart.
  • Added the ability to detect URLs in the text and make it linkable.
  • Added the ability to name a link by following a URL with the name in quotation marks.
  • Added the ability to format words and phrases instead of the whole line.
  • Added the ability to toggle showing the keyboard automatically in the Song Editor though the settings screen.
  • Added the ability to double tap a section which will select it regardless and show lyrics if they are hidden.
  • Added the ability for actions to control a centralized timer that starts on the second.
  • Added the ability to automatically save a backup to the OnSong Cloud on a per library basis.
  • Added the ability to restore a specific device library from the OnSong Cloud.
  • Added the ability to view the amount of available/used storage on the account screen.
  • Added the ability to create custom file names for export.
  • Added the ability to print the icon in the song list.
  • Added the ability to use the new renderer globally instead of just per song.
  • Added the ability to view the Vidami Blue video in the pedal configuration screen.
  • Added the ability to "Add to Calendar" after receiving a beamed set.
  • Added the ability to format ChordPro box and italic comments in R2.
  • Added the ability to format ChordPro highlight tag in R2.
  • Added the ability to detect and support for ChordPro style declaration syntax.
  • Added the ability for the editor to detect for partial line formatting or column breaks and prompt for R2.
  • Added the ability to set the default chord diagram alignment to left and right in settings.
  • Added the ability to output the song version name when printing song lists.
  • Added the ability to create a named link by surrounding the name in parenthesis following the URL.
  • Added the ability to search books by title.
  • Added the ability to set document parameters like columns in OnSong Console.
  • Added the ability to import new libraries from the manage libraries screen.
  • Added new partial line formatting capabilities to the line formatting menu in the song editor.
  • Added the ability to set to settings from the browse menu.
  • Added the ability to add songs from the browse menu.
  • Added the ability to navigate the new import screen with a segmented control.
  • Added the ability to check for valid top-level domains when validating email addresses.
  • Added the ability to restore backups from the backup option in the utilities menu.
  • Added the ability to stop the MIDI clock after a time interval.
  • Added the ability to turn off the MIDI clock if BPM is set to None.
  • Added OnSong Cloud Drive as an option to the import screen available throughout the app.
  • Added OnSong Cloud Drive media downloader functionality.


  • Changed the prevent deletions setting to be found in User Interface section under Menu Settings.
  • Changed the prevent deletions setting to apply throughout the app.
  • Changed the icon of the additions menu to differentiate visual language from annotations.
  • Changed the broadcast option to be accessible in the navigation bar of the external video menu instead of in the social menu.
  • Changed the new renderer to display ChordPro comments as section labels only if they appear to contain section label words.
  • Changed the default backup process to send to OnSong Cloud instead of file sharing.
  • Changed the Google Drive integration to use limited scopes due to Google policy change.
  • Changed the default option to not send tempo every two seconds via MIDI CC.
  • Changed the maximum annotation scale to 200% instead of 150%.
  • Changed the new renderer to render ChordPro as section labels if the comment appears to be a section label.
  • Changed the lyrics projection system to remove partial line formatting and other new syntax used by the new renderer.
  • Changed the chords menu to prompt the user to use R2 when choosing left or right aligned chord diagrams.
  • Changed the Add Songs menu to separate locations from providers and moved other options to the add section.
  • Changed the Add Songs menu to show icons for each option.
  • Changed the initial screen login screen to be dismissible so it does not require the user to create an account per Apple guidelines.
  • Changed the print system to ignore tint colors.
  • Changed the lyrics projection preview in the external video menu to show the first section of lyrics that contains text.
  • Changed the app to use R2 by default.
  • Changed the console to use text formatting in the renamed "Format" palette.
  • Changed the Console song list to progressively load 250 songs at a time and load more by scrolling.
  • Changed the Add Songs screen to be a modal in all circumstances for more screen real estate and to easily get back to the song list.
  • Changed the general export menu to use the new design language and modular upload destinations.
  • Changed the general import menu to use the new design language.
  • Changed the tab bar color in the chord inspector to match the rest of the app.
  • Changed the menubar in the iPhone version to switch to a secondary menubar that includes all functions.
  • Changed the song editor preview to scroll when you scroll the text view.
  • Changed the song editor preview to be more responsive when typing.
  • Changed the vertical menubar to include the attachments menu and provide the song editor icon.
  • Changed the MIDI settings screen to consolidate MIDI clock settings into a separate menu.
  • Changed the account screen to show "Next Billing Date" instead of "Expires On" when the account is still active.
  • Changed the OnSong logo on the launch and sign-in screens.
  • Changed the sign in screen to always use OnSong branded app colors.


  • Fixed an issue when scrolling PDFs by page.
  • Fixed an issue when scrolling PDFs by section.
  • Fixed an issue with autocompleting username/password in iOS/iPadOS 17.
  • Fixed an issue where superscript is not considering the slash for dividing advanced chords.
  • Fixed an issue where the Switch Roles screen does not have a close button on iPhone.
  • Fixed an issue where applying styles to all songs does not render adjacent songs to display the changes.
  • Fixed an issue where a clip made from a photo is not cropped properly.
  • Fixed an issue when adding a clip from the camera where the import screen is not automatically dismissed.
  • Fixed an issue where songs are not removed from the song viewer when removed from a book.
  • Fixed an issue where a clip seems to be moved off to the upper right when created from a camera.
  • Fixed an issue where clips are resized improperly when printing.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause lyrics projection on Chromecast to malfunction due to web socket security.
  • Fixed an issue where the localized chord name is not displayed in the chord diagrams in the chord inspector.
  • Fixed an issue where editing MIDI globals does not save or apply changes.
  • Fixed an issue where adding or editing books in the book list will reload the list but not in the selected sort order.
  • Fixed an issue where superscript is not considering the slash for dividing advanced chords.
  • Fixed an issue where restoring a library can result in the merger of settings if the previous library has a setting that the other never made to override it.
  • Fixed an issue with autocompleting username/password in iOS/iPadOS 17.
  • Fixed an issue when scrolling PDFs by section.
  • Fixed an issue when scrolling PDFs by page.
  • Fixed an issue where the Switch Roles screen does not have a close button on iPhone.
  • Fixed an issue where the menubar would not change color enough on iPhone devices when the metronome was running.
  • Fixed an issue where rotating the iPhone screen causes menubar drawing issues.
  • Fixed an issue where songs that have slashes in the title could not be exported or emailed.
  • Fixed an issue where the flow toggle button does not appear in the playback menu when running on macOS.
  • Fixed an issue where the drawing menubar would not match the colors set for the menubar and icon colors.
  • Fixed an issue where a close button does not appear in the attachments menu when in compact mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the drawing tool would stop working when changing between renderers.
  • Fixed an issue where after changing the settings to play/stop, the button does not change to the stop button.
  • Fixed an issue where the app name and version were not updated upon login.
  • Fixed an issue where the filter bar is not viewable after switching libraries.
  • Fixed a crash condition when colorizing large PDF files.
  • Fixed a crash condition when closing the organizing menu from the sets tab on an iPhone.
  • Fixed a crash condition caused by retrieving the duration of a set too often.
  • Fixed a crash condition caused by an unknown file type in Planning Center details.
  • Fixed a crash condition when recording video when in vertical menubar.
  • Fixed a crash condition caused by unexpected results from the web service when customizing your experience in the account details screen.
  • Fixed a crash condition caused by attempting to resize an image with invalid size parameters.
  • Fixed a crash condition cause by ArtNet DMX causing crash when restarting the library.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition when adding attachments to the email composition screen.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition when attempting to draw an image on a zero size canvas when navigating vertical menubar mode.