Release Notes

OnSong 2024.3

OnSong 2024.3 was released on August 29, 2024. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • Added the ability to send and receive beam push notifications.
  • Added the ability to show ways to add a person to the beam sharing list.
  • Added the ability to underline and backslant line formatting in the insert palette in Console.
  • Added the ability to sign in or switch roles when a feature is not available.


  • Changed the new renderer to remove blank lines at the end of the document when in pagination mode to avoid errant page breaks.
  • Changed the apply styles button to be disabled when the system tab is selected in the style preferences menu.
  • Changed the default paper size to use A4 in countries that don't use US Letter as the default.
  • Changed the Style Preferences Document tab to not display the R2 renderer button when viewing a non-text file.


  • Updated all translations.


  • Fixed an issue where manual page breaks would take up the height of a sheet of paper when continuous page mode is selected.
  • Fixed an issue where metadata is outputted when it's recognized.
  • Fixed an issue where non-metadata text in metadata section is outputting as lyrics.
  • Fixed an issue where the new renderer is outputting "in" when there's a new time signature without a tempo.
  • Fixed an issue where you are unable to inline format at the beginning of a line.
  • Fixed an issue where editing a set would close the song menu.
  • Fixed an issue where MIDI global changes are not being saved.
  • Fixed an issue where backup files are disabled in the Files interface when trying to restore via the backup screen.
  • Fixed an issue where key and time signature are on the same line in the new renderer when there is no artist and the title is small.
  • Fixed an issue where using spaces to indent section labels fails in the new renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where including asterisks in section labels causes page margins to be applied to the section in the new renderer.
  • Fixed an issue with how footer spacing was calculated for printing.
  • Fixed an issue where viewing songs in console will stop working.
  • Fixed an issue where sections of the song move into the header when using the new renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where per stanza layout it omitted a space before a section if there are zero stanzas when using the new renderer.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the tempo control changes to be sent intermingled with program change events.
  • Fixed an issue when choosing the first item in the list, searching, and choosing the first item in the list causes the song changed event to fail.
  • Fixed an issue where lyrics protection would show the wrong chart when selecting different songs in the first position of the song list.
  • Fixed an issue where you cannot label a tab section.
  • Fixed an issue where the export restriction dialog appears briefly and disappears.
  • Fixed an issue where the MIDI tag is appears in the header when using the new renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where text annotations are being applied to multiple pages when printing.
  • Fixed an issue where the chord diagram caption does not match the enharmonic preferences of the chord contained in the song under the new renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where numbers sections are not receiving text formatting.
  • Fixed an issue where chords are not returned for piano in the OnSong Connect API.
  • Fixed an issue where the new renderer will stall when breaking pages.
  • Fixed an issue where the time signature cannot be removed.
  • Fixed an issue where PraiseCharts cannot search with multiple words.
  • Fixed an issue where the search clear button is not visible in low light mode.
  • Fixed an issue where chords in tablature sections is not recognized using the new renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where bold and italic was not appearing the insert palette in the Console.
  • Fixed an issue where the Buy button for AirTurn S2 and S4 go to an error page.
  • Fixed an issue where low light mode is not being applied to other songs when using the Apply Style screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the CCLI License tag was not being recognized in the new renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where removing a formatting section does not remove the text formatter.
  • Fixed an issue where the tempo column is missing when printing a song list.
  • Fixed an issue where remove capo in print settings overrides showing the capo on the screen.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the sort order in a book song list causes the songs menu to close.
  • Fixed an issue where setting the font with the system tab selected doesn't clear out font selections in the song.
  • Fixed an issue where lyrics in a bridge are not recognized as lyrics in the original renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where footer margins do not match print preferences.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong key was using when importing plan songs from PCO.
  • Fixed an issue where clip annotations were being duplicated on subsequent pages when printing using the new renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where you can't tap or select annotations that are not attached to a song but dragged to an adjacent song.
  • Fixed an issue where drawings were being duplicated on subsequent pages when printing using the new renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where chord diagrams do not change with capo using the new renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where the subtitle metadata overrides the artist when using the new renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where chord Diagrams are encroaching into the margins when printed using the original renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where creating the a song from a template creates duplicate file attachments.
  • Fixed an issue where the height of the song is not long enough in the new renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where the viewport was not loaded when viewing PDF files.
  • Fixed an issue where drawings were being duplicated on subsequent pages when printing using the new renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where spacing does not appear for a new song until after it's saved.
  • Fixed an issue where choose List when generating a Pages print preview results in no output.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting attachments does not update the total size of attachments or remove empty sections.
  • Fixed an issue where Convert To PDF in the attachments list creates an empty PDF file.
  • Fixed an issue where Remove Capo when printing doesn't not work with the original renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where making dots or short strokes while drawing does not function.
  • Fixed an issue where printing is misaligned when flowing to a second page using the new renderer due to an iOS print page renderer bug.
  • Fixed an issue where autoscroll does not select sections that are not labeled in the new renderer.
  • Fixed an issue text annotations are repeated on two pages when near a page break.
  • Fixed an issue where mi7 chords are omitted the 7th when rendering in superscript in the Czech chord localization in the new renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where the follow function in Console does not change songs consistently.
  • Fixed an issue where you cannot set the time signature to none using the tempo picker menu.
  • Fixed a crash condition caused by memory pressure when loading multiple instances of the new renderer.
  • Fixed a crash condition when exporting files from the print preview screen in macOS.
  • Fixed a crash condition when adding text annotations.
  • Fixed a hang condition caused by retrieving playback state from the device music playing app when there's a delay in the cross-process communication.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition when viewing the import tutorial via a phone.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition when attempting to add a null identifier in a collection.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition when beginning changes with null items.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition disconnecting a null hook.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition retrieving storage mode.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition when removing a view that was already removed.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition when creating PDF with null values.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition when viewing the Add To extension video tutorial.