Release Notes

OnSong 2024.4

OnSong 2024.4 was released on September 18, 2024. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • Added the ability to search for books when adding a song to a book using multiselect.
  • Added the ability to import clip images from the photo library.
  • Added the ability to compress drawings for smaller library sizes and faster sharing.
  • Added support for the new key tag used by PraiseCharts ChordPro.


  • Changed the general import screen to use more flexible import sources.
  • Changed the backup process to automatically compress drawings if the database file is too large to be compressed.
  • Changed the Apple Pencil Integration to use finger touches to pan when the pencil is used to draw.


  • Updated translations


  • Fixed an issue where text-based annotations do not change the text when first being added.
  • Fixed an issue when using Console to manually update the flow metadata tag and re-rendering on the device.
  • Fixed an issue where actions where being triggered from long touch at incorrect times.
  • Fixed an issue where exporting a set list to an OnSong archive that contains slashes in the set name fails.
  • Fixed an issue where SongSelect cannot reauthorize if refresh tokens fails.
  • Fixed an issue where bold chorus overrides the musical instruction color in the original renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where the iPhone menubar contains too many icons resulting in small icons.
  • Fixed an issue where the Done button does not appear when when editing account information.
  • Fixed an issue where setting the font of a song sets the monospaced font.
  • Fixed an issue where monospaced fonts are displaying with the song font instead of the monospace font settings.
  • Fixed an issue where continuous page and two columns was redistributing in a strange fashion.
  • Fixed an issue where formatting characters are being applied in the lyrics when not found at the beginning of an inline marker.
  • Fixed an issue where the flow widget would not navigate to repeated sections further in the arrangement.
  • Fixed an issue where the email linked to an account is still showing when someone is trying to beam.
  • Fixed an issue where enabling paged mode causes the second column to not appear at all.
  • Fixed an issue where files cannot be imported from the Files source.
  • Fixed an issue where files sent via AirDrop are not importing into OnSong.
  • Fixed an issue where adding a section label inside of a sot/eot tag (or any ChordPro section tag perhaps) is causing it to break out of the section.
  • Fixed an issue when changing the system between the original and new renderers will cause the adjacent chart to blank after navigation.
  • Fixed an issue where songs that are not loaned may still be displaying as a set with the date that the song was beamed.
  • Fixed an issue where files cannot be imported from the Files source.
  • Fixed an issue where chords found in SOT/EOT tags appear as larger monospaced fonts instead of the chord formatting.
  • Fixed an issue where menus do not appears if an external screen is connected.
  • Fixed an issue where scrolling jumps on stage monitor mode when autoscrolling.
  • Fixed an issue where annotations were not being displayed when added.
  • Fixed a crash condition when importing files from OnSong Drive caused by progress update.
  • Fixed a crash condition when printing or exporting to PDF from Console.
  • Fixed a crash condition when backing up due to a large database file caused by uncompressed data.
  • Fixed a crash condition when trying to inline format a word with text color and bold.
  • Fixed a possible crash condition when resizing overlay graphics.